Showing Posts For Acantha.8634:
Hey there!
I am leaning towards playing an Elementalist (right now have Asura lvl 11 or so), and the thing is, I really dig the animations and ranged magic style and all, but I hear that the most viable build for PvP and sometimes even PvE is a Dagger/x build.
The problem is, I suck at meelee dodging. Kiting is okay, but gosh dodging and jumping around to get behind the enemy all the time is a chore all right!
So I would like to ask if Elementalist is also good with a staff in all the content, or if it’s REALLY that inferior to the dagger/x playstyle.
The only thing I would mayby consider is playing scepter/x if it is more viable than a staff.
Would you guys please tell me how staff stands in the current meta compared to dagger and scepter?
And if they are really that inferior, could you give me some tips about the dagger gameplay, I struggle at evading damage in the first place, but also at my rotations.
I use lightning AA and the blind when needed and often switch to fire for dragon’s breath + fire wall and fire dash skill. I only go ever to water when I need to heal or when I need to distance myself a littlebit by applying chilled status. I have the hardest time knowing when and how to use the earth attunement, it seems only useful for deflecting projectiles and the invulnerability, but apart from the invulnerability I wouldn’t know why I would bother going to earth when facing a meelee opponent.
So tips and explanations would be really welcome!
Thanks in advance for the help guys!
(edited by Acantha.8634)
I think you might really enjoy playing as an elementalist if you give it a fair try. They can be incredibly durable, supportive and deal great AOE damage with the right gear and traits. It takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of your attunements it is really great. ^^
Ele is my main so I’m a little biased though lol.
Yeah but D/F is just so hard to find a rotation in, and in PvE I never know when to switch from AA lightning to fire, or even when to use my earth attunement. Don’t have any clue about rotations lol.
Staff I like because it’s more simplistic, but always hear it’s not that good in 1v1 so kinda reluctant about that.
Doubting between Ele or Mesmer, only thing keeping me from playing Mesmer is the stories of how hard it is, but I really like the aesthetics and the playstyle with a secondary staff. Also I’m more the supportive kind of guy, so Mesmer, Ele and Guardian are my three struggles haha
Druide also looks cool, but ranger longbow/GS seems boring to level all the way to 80. DD looks cool and like the ‘Monk witth a Bo’ style, but also afraid it’ll get boring when you get used to the playstyle. ^^
Anyway Guardian is what you’re looking for though, it’s one of the most versatile professions in the game afaik.
I have this problem, I really REALLY like the concept of Mesmer (especially using the staff, that’s bloody genius!), but hearing all this stuff about how hard Mesmer will be after the ellite spec scares e to the bone!
This would be my first class leveling to 80 so is it really not recommended? I like a class that has this much sustain and confuses an opponent in attacking your clones.
If this would really, really not be recommended, could you guys give advice on which class also plays safe but isn’t as boring as plain old ranger/warrior or something like that?
I’m more of a kiter, but Mesmer is one of the classes that has so many escape options with staff and illusions decieving the opponnent, and not to mention the infamous distortion.
Thanks in advance!
I’m in a distress myself and also like one that’s supporty but deals some damage and cc aswell.
Although I can’t even help myself (lol) I think you’ll really like Guardian/DH. The class has so many skills to negate damage/heal/Buff etc. that it’s practically unstoppable.
And also one of the few classes which has more weapon sets that are actually good atm, all exceept mayby longbow since the nerf.
Need great dammage? Use scepter/torch
Need to be supportive and bulky in a team? Use Mace/shield and mayby even a staff
Want to get close and personal? Use sword/focus (Focus is better then shield solo, but I like shield more just because it fits guard well imo) and Greatsword for much leaps/blinds/deflects.
Necro feels dull after a while and warrior just is plain afk playing.
Hope this helps somehow.
Greetings everyone!
I know this question has ben asked more than most of you like, and even though I’ve nearly searched and read every topic, I still have a really hard time on which class I should actively play.
I like a class that is engaging and which keeps one wondering about the beautiful playstyle it has while fighting (beautiful skill graphics make it so I won’t get bored of seeing the same thing over and over again), but not one that needs a master degree to work it right (like an engineer, where you actually need to be a master in engineering to play it to it’s full potential). I like to burst down an opponent while still being tanky myself or having skills that mak me evade damage.
I also like a class that has some AoE to deal with trash mobs but can handle itself also good in a 1v1 encounter in things like PvP. In other games I’ve always liked the the supportive kind of play, being able to help others while still holding my own in 1v1 and solo PvE content. For example: In Tera I liked the Priest and Mystic kind of gameplay, being responsible for healing everyone while debuffing the mobs.
In SMITE I always liked to play mid mages like Thoth, Nu Wa, Ra and Aphrodite.
I’m also terribad at dodging when playing close range, so a class that plays safe while still not being too braindead would also be nice.
I’ll start by ordering some classes that come to mind, so please do give your opinion for someone who doesn’t have a single class at lvl 80. These are just some examples, if you have other ideas about a class that would fit me then please do say so :
Mesmer: I really love this kind of playstle! With a sword and a focus in hand and a staff as second weapon (LOVE the staff!) to escape in nearly every pinch! The low damage doesn’t bother me because I love how it plays, but the thing scaring me is how everyone says it’ll be difficult later with the elite spec. It looks so much fun at the early levels, but hearing how much of a pain and how hard it’ll be later on makes me scared to play this.
Elementalist: Again, another eye candy. But also here stuff about how you have to play piano to not die from a breeze scares me. And I never know which attunement to stay in (using dagger/focus). I know lightning 1 is main source of AA damage while switching between it’s offensive skills and fire (dragon’s breath + fire 3), switch to water when need to slow the target or heal, but earth always leaves me confused when and how to use it in pve (unless I need something to deflect projectiles). Also I have no idea of even a general rotation for solo PvE. Staff looks much easier, but I heard that it’ll be useless compared to dagger when doing 1v1.
Guardian: Playing with sw/sh + GS, like the play but I always feel like I lack the skills/knowledge of how and when to dodge when my blindness skills are on CD.
The staff also appeals to me for support reasons, but is unfortunaly a lackluster while playing solo.
Sorry for the wall of text, and I know I’m being a difficult customer here. But I would really appreciate it if someone could help me any further!
Thank you very much for the effort in advance!
(edited by Acantha.8634)
Greetings everyone!
I know this question has ben asked more than most of you like, and even though I’ve nearly searched and read every topic, I still have a really hard time on which class I should actively play.
I like a class that is engaging and which keeps one wondering about the beautiful playstyle it has while fighting, but not one that needs a master degree to work it right. I also like a class that has some AoE to deal with trash mobs but can handle itself also good in a 1v1 encounter in things like PvP. In other games I’ve always liked the the supportive kind of play, being able to help others while still holding my own in PvE and PvP.
I’ve nearly played all classes for a few levels but still have troubles with knowing which one will be best for me in the long run, since I have very, very limited time to play. I can play a few hours a week so I’d like a class that can solo, but doesn’t feel dull while doing so (e.g. Ranger).
I’ll start by ordering which ones I like the most:
Mesmer: I really love this kind of playstle! With a sword and a focus in hand and a staff as second weapon (LOVE the staff!) to escape in nearly every pinch! The low damage doesn’t bother me because I love how it plays, but the thing scaring me is how everyone says it’ll be difficult later with the elite spec.
Elementalist: Again, another eye candy. But also here stuff about how you have to play piano to not die from a breeze scare me. And I never know which attunement to stay in (using dagger/focus). I know lightning 1 is main source of AA damage while switching between it’s offensive skills and fire (dragon’s breath + fire 3), switch to water when need to slow the target or heal, but earth always leaves me confused when and how to use it. Also I have no idea of even a general rotation for solo PvE.
Guardian: Playing with sw/sh + GS, like the play but I always feel like I lack the skills/knowledge of how and when to dodge when my blindness skills are on CD.
These two I didn’t really get into but caught my attention for some reason:
Necromancer: I love the ‘Death Magic’ kind of theme using scepter/warhorn, but scared the playstyle will get boring.
Thief: This one caught my attention because I find myself bad in evading damage, and having a class that has so much evades seems like it’d help me not to die as fast when fighting.
Sorry for the wall of text, and I know I’m being a difficult customer here. But I would really appreciate it if someone could help me any further!
Thank you very much for the effort in advance!
(edited by Acantha.8634)