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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aconite.1349


I have two cents…

Weekly Laurel Rewards

If I remember correctly, there will be more activities other than Daily and Monthly achievements that will reward Laurels. But my suggestions for faster Laurel gain is to have a Weekly category. It would not involve a separate list of achievements, but instead would ask for players to complete every Daily achievement every day for a week. The reward could JUST be Laurels, like three extra. So a person who does Dailies every day in that particular week would get 7 from Dailies + 3 for the week. If they fail to complete all seven days in that particular week, they just get the Laurels from their Dailies and miss out on the 3 extra until the start of a new week. (If they miss one day, they only get 6 Laurels for the week)

I think this would encourage people to log on every day to play, even just a little bit, on a consistent basis. But if they don’t, they don’t lose anything or really miss out on too much. If they’re getting on frequently enough to earn lots of Laurels but miss a day or two a week, they’re gaining Laurels pretty fast already.

AC Path 2: Bugged Traps Make GE Unbeatable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aconite.1349


This has happened on two occasions, with the second occasion making the Dungeon unbeatable.

The GE will be lured to a fully-charged trap, we beat on him as normal, but the trap is quickly recharged while he’s still on it after turning back. The traps fires again, rendering him vulnerable, BUT the trap will not reset and the power meter shows it full. The trap is now unusable and non-functioning. This is the exact pattern for every case I’ve seen.

The first time, we only lost one trap and were able to kite him between the two remaining ones. However, the second time, all three traps became stuck and the boss fight was rendered unbeatable and the Dungeon incomplete, leaving everyone with lost time and no rewards.