Showing Posts For Acsoj.4061:

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Acsoj.4061


I have crafted the silly gun and love it.
True, I am small, but it doesn’t have much effects like Twilight anyways, and the purple glow (and that sound) is rather noticeable.
I crafted it for myself mainly anyways – gun shooting flowers and confetti just couldn’t be passed on.

I totally agree with you. Got the silly gun for myself too and have no regrets.


Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Acsoj.4061


My asura engineer been playing with her since release, nothing can replace her.


Any sites that have asura armor preview?

in Asura

Posted by: Acsoj.4061


You could check out