Showing Posts For Adeon.7935:
Playing on the Sanctum of Rall server connecting from SEA
Ever since post-Halloween, I’ve been getting really bad lag spikes only in highly populated maps, like Cursed Shore. But connecting to example, WvW, the lag is non existent.
Its very random and happens any time of the day. Had no such issues since the end of the Halloween event.
Ever since post-Halloween, I’ve been getting bad lag spikes only in highly populated maps, like Cursed Shore. But connecting to example, WvW, the lag is non existent.
server: Sanctum of Rall
dungeon: HOTW
Problem: Instancing issues, party getting split into three different instances of the same dungeon. two party members are stuck alone in their own instance. Reforming party, having a different person initiate the zonening, and relogging did not solve the problem
Experiencing this right now.