Showing Posts For Adey.9481:

Lieutenant Kholer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adey.9481


well to be fair guys i havent really had a major problem with this guy, normlly me and the lads pull the troll and kholer together to fight it out, but if at a possibility the troll don’t spawn and you do decide to wipe the floor with kholer, that pulling spell he dose is pretty easy to dodge, as me and the lads say keep ya eye on him and dodge when he raises his sword arm and it kinda lights up, we refer to it as dodge when he looks like he’s gonna go bowling, once you get into the flow of things and spot his patten you should easily sit him down, also as its been mentioned before use the stababilty ultilty spells to help you in doubt…happy hunting!

Town Clothes Headgear not Visibile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Adey.9481


i also have had this problem, brought some cool sunglassers to go with my new witches broom, just for fun and was wondering why i can’t see the glassers on my toon, so happy this bug has been revealed, hopefully it will get fixed soon XD thanks