Showing Highly Rated Posts By Aeros.2046:

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Like the yak escort title. Nobody will get that one. Ever. Even those rare people who actually escort yaks. Somebody did the math, and it was determined if they flagged every yak possible on an escort chain for 8 hours non stop, every day, they would get the title in about 12 years.

Yakslapper was slightly better. Based on yak spawn and run time, a player dedicated to killing yaks and doing it 8 hours every day, non stop will be able to get the title in about 7 years.

Though tbh, if you get that title, I somehow think the accomplishment will be tainted with the realization you just gave up a decade of your life fighting for or against computerized cows.


(edited by Aeros.2046)

Unique Tower Lords and Keep Lords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeros.2046


This was brought up in a thread about the claimers being called Lords even though they are all female. And its honestly a great idea.

Give each tower and Keep in WvW a named NPC as the claimer, and one that has its own unique set of skills. Like say, the Lord Covington of Greenbriar gives buffs to allies, while the Lady Slynt of Anzalius Pass has a massive AOE attack.

A little change like this would add some much needed depth to the WvW experience.

+1 if the claimers actually say things while fighting, like other Bosses in the game do. Can you imagine the epic, if in the middle of a desperate fight for your Garrisons inner room, the Keep Lord cries out “Rally to me Comrades, we shall drive them out!” I know you can do it Anet. “Your weakness makes me laugh.”


(edited by Aeros.2046)