Showing Posts For Aestin.7549:

The strongest lacking point for druids: UI

in Ranger

Posted by: Aestin.7549


Yup, definitely an issue – compounded by the fact that most, if not all druid heals are either ground targeted, or severely limited by range.

Since there’s a renewed focus on healing (outside of water blast finishers) as a viable support option, the ui needs to get with the times – otherwise we’re just going to be staring at a bunch of health bars to the left of our screen. If I recall correctly, conceptually, this game was advertised as moving away from that playstyle.

Lifebar suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aestin.7549


Agreed OP. After testing the druid out in a raid environment today, this is a must. I can’t keep glancing at the the ui with so much going on around me.

Allies' health bars

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aestin.7549


After reading about the renewed focus on support/healing in raids, I was wondering if there was a toggle for nearby player’s health bars, similar to when a target is moused over/selected.

I’ve looked through the ui/combat options, and can’t find anything other than nameplate toggles. Any help/info would be greatly appreciated.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Aestin.7549


A few questions about the druid spec:

Will healing/damage from ranger pets count towards celestial resource generation? If so, will we be seeing more pet healing? As is we only have 2-3 pets that heal in some fashion, and on land, only one that we can really control said healing (fern hound).

As mentioned on the reveal, druid is a spec requiring positioning to be fully effective. Perhaps an additional movement ability similar to the staff #3 could make up for the limited range on glyphs?

Just my 2ยข.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aestin.7549


Although the scepter skill, Stone Shards functions as a channeled skill, it does not benefit from either Zephyr’s Focus (First tier, Air magic trait line) or Obsidian Focus (First tier, Earth Magic trait line).
All other skills that function in a similar manner increase the armor/toughness attribute displayed in the hero panel (Obsidian Focus), and apply a buff that increases endurance regeneration (Zephyr’s Focus) for the duration of the channel, when traited respectively.