Showing Posts For AgentZero.1634:

Canach Bugged [Merged Threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AgentZero.1634


BlackGate is bugged also

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AgentZero.1634


I tried to make one and only have the XP boos available when I’m at the forge. Guess we have to wait.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AgentZero.1634


I love how all these awesome new costumes and items to get in the spirit of halloween are mostly obtained with gems. The Black Lion Chest scam was genius. I spent $70 on keys and not a single kitten weapon skin. I guess I should have known better. Crafty capitalists. It’s almost as bad as when they announced the perma versions of those 3 items added to Black Lion Chests. That is the LAST time I fall for their gimmicks and dump money on those chests. What a sick money grab. Guess it worked out for them.

Thanks for reminding me about the perma versions of those 3 items added to Black Lion Chests. Has anyone gotten one of them? I think I will not be buying Gems for Keys until I get drop rates for items in the Chests. That simply I hope others request drop rates. Remember we now the odds when it comes to Casinos games. Why they heck does ANet not give out the odds of items from the Chests.