Showing Posts For Agony.4638:

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Agony.4638


I have info. It’s not true. BG plays every match honest and above board. I think Candy Corn is what happened too.

Don’t listen to trolls. Many people on JQQ just love to make excuses for losing rather than accepting they got legitimately beaten.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Agony.4638


I dunno man, I come from DAOC and WAR, and me & my guild still find most of those things you mention here. DtD regularly takes down large numbers with a small force, we have rivalries with other guilds & servers, the only thing missing is the RR titles honestly, which I hope Anet will add. And I do agree with you about orb buffs – I don’t like running around with 30k hp while my enemies only get magic find or whatever, it’s too easymode. I feel like the orb/outmanned buffs should almost be reversed.

10-and-15 mans are still powerful even without Zzzz. And all the roles are still good: but instead of buffs/dmg/heal/cc it’s more like assist ddmg/support/manipulate positioning/aoe/interrupts/heals. I also recommend stop having any stakers – you don’t need them. Use interrupts/frontload correctly and you won’t have a problem.

For talk there’s always guru it’s the new VN. And again yes please Anet wtb RR titles pst thx