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Feature Update - Missed what's really needed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


When I heard of a “feature” update I got excited. I thought… finally they are going to address the most needed features in the game. The ones people have suggested and complained about not having for almost two years since the first Beta Weekend event.

And you dropped the ball Anet.

Are the new features nice? Sure… some of the features are things that will enhance GW2 overall. Things like “last logged” in guild feature and “account bound WXP” are things I’ve seen requested for a long time. All the rest is basically Fluff content and I have a hard time actually seeing many requests for those features over the last two years.

What I can’t understand is how one of the most basic and requested features was ignored. That being “The basic ability to organize and group the way players and guilds enjoy.” Gw2 gives us a grand total of TWO ways to organize and group. Either a 5 person group or a massive zerg with no control over the size or makeup of that force. WvW is where this needs changed most, but it would be useful for PvE events as well. Gw2 currently has the worst grouping system I’ve used in at least the last 7 years of MMO gaming.

Since the first BWE players have asked for better grouping systems. After 19 months of asking they created a Collaborative thread asking for extensive feedback from players about the Commander and Squad system.

Players gave tons of feedback and some of the most requested features were having Private and Guild only squads to allow players to organize and form forces the way they enjoy. So you can see why 4 months later when they announced a “feature” update I expected to see some C&S and grouping updates. I was very disappointed. Like many other players I find social grouping and running with my guild as an important part of MMO gaming. Something I’ve been frustrated with on a daily basis because of the lack of tools to do so.

I’m sure you have “plans” to address this at a future date Anet. But it’s your lack of priority on what players would like vs what generates gemstore revenue that’s most disappointing.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry