(edited by Aiber.5091)
Showing Posts For Aiber.5091:
Mist walker set is the WvW armor unless I’m mistaken. The medium ‘Invader’ armor I believe.
Spamming infiltrator’s arrow right before the match starts in “Forests of Niflhel” (when you get the ‘Match is starting…’ prompt) allows you to teleport outside the starting area, allowing you to have free reign over the points as you please while the doors are still closed for the two teams during the start of the match. I randomly shot infiltrator’s arrow before the game started and I found myself outside the starting area so, I assume this isn’t working as intended xD.
Hi, just thought I’d let you know that currently, with 3 Superior Runes of Divinity equipped, the tooltip shows that I have 9/6 equipped of the entire set, which, if I recall correctly, is impossible. I do believe it’s the tooltip alone though, due to the fact that I do not gain the 6/6 stats when equipped otherwise.
So I’m sure by now that many people have hit level 80, explored the Cursed Shore zone and have passed by the ‘Shelter Gate’ area. It’s a real convenient location, there’s an armor repair NPC, a karma vendor and a waypoint, all located just above Noose Road. Heck, there’s even a couple Dynamic Events that start in/from Shelter Gate, it’s a real good place to farm karma and items… And boy do the botters know it.
There are countless bots in the Shelter Gate area (at least, in the Sanctum of Rall server), some simple variations of an ‘autoclicker,’ pressing 1 button at a time (mainly the auto attack) in order to get the gold participation ribbon in a Dynamic Event. However; there are more sosphisticated bots that may even allow for the automation of multiple skill use, automated loot, and preset patrol patterns.
I know the report option is there, and I know that not everybody farming Shelter Gate are bots. However; I find it hard to believe that many players would be running the same patterns and still pressing their auto attack key 3 hours later in the exact same way.
I’m wondering how both the community and ArenaNet should respond to this massive use of bots. I realize there’s no game that can be rid of bots— there’s always going to be a workaround (hell, most bot programmers ENJOY that kind of challenge). I’d just rather not have GW2 become another Silk Road Online, where the bots were so numerous and in plain sight to the point where one could run a Google search and have the first result that would pop up be a 100% legit and working bot.
What do you guys think? Am I overreacting to this? Should I just wait for Guild Wars 2 to get its bearings before the mass purge of bots inevitably occurs?