Showing Posts For Airwen.6387:

Can't Enter Edge of the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


I messed around with a lot of things. The best method that worked was the Ctrl F4 not the Alt F4 that I tried and it just didn’t work to get EOTM working. While waiting for the endless EOTM screen I thought how about Ctrl F4 which took me right to the EOTM boom I was in finally. Fixing it for one Character fixed it for the remaining 4.

So there are several things you can try including deleting the 20GB dat file that will download and depending on how fast your internet is will take 6 plus hours. Not the best idea.

Ctrl F4 corrected my EOTM problem.

(edited by Airwen.6387)

Can't Enter Edge of the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


I am getting the same error. Code:=7:0:0:794:101 I tried a to remove that GW2.tmp file several times no go. I reset my entire network here not that I thought it mattered but what the heck. No go. I only really play in the winter, thinking maybe it is time to quit for the year and come back to the game another time in the 2015 time frame. Not real sure what to do about this error.

Did you exit out of the game first with taskamnager.? You have to be completely exited out of the game before you delete the file, then log back in, and as i’ve said you might have to do it a couple of times. The first time I did it, it worked on the first try, each one after that, i have to do it twice now.

Yes sir, or ma’ma I did that exactly how you have it here. Several times is like 6 times, I figured I would just go 10 times but after 6 times I would imagine it would have worked by now. I can try it a few more times and see. I’ll get back with you if it works or not.

Can't Enter Edge of the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


I am getting the same error. Code:=7:0:0:794:101 I tried a to remove that GW2.tmp file several times no go. I reset my entire network here not that I thought it mattered but what the heck. No go. I only really play in the winter, thinking maybe it is time to quit for the year and come back to the game another time in the 2015 time frame. Not real sure what to do about this error.

The wording states:

The game client lost its connections to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. Only when I goto the EOTM does this happen. The rest of wvw and the game is working just fine including pvp.

Extra info, it was working yesterday without a hitch and anytime before that.

(edited by Airwen.6387)

BUG: Harathi Hinterlands Meta Event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


Still bugged, was just there, this bug interferes with you completing the zone and moving on to another zone to complete areas. Seems to me that is enough of an interference to make this a priority if you ask me.

Let me fix this up. In order to complete this zone you need to get into the area in the north east area of the zone to get an point of interest and a skill point. Since the event is bugged you can’t get into that area. You won’t be able to complete the zone until you get those two places. I have talked to several players in the area wanting to get those two points, but have decided to move to another zone and will come back when the event is not bugged anymore. I know how these users feel, it was bugged once before when I was trying to get the point of interest and skill point. I have it on two of my 80’s and one of my 80’s will just have to wait for now. The game is suppose to be fun not frustrating, just a word to the wise.

(edited by Airwen.6387)

BUG: Harathi Hinterlands Meta Event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


The heck with it, if they want to keep it broken, I have other things to do besides fool around with Guild Wars 2. I can go play a game that is working and will check back when this game is working.

BUG: Harathi Hinterlands Meta Event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airwen.6387


Tarnished Coast Server: Event in Harahi Hinderlands has been bugged for 12 plus hours. As a player I would like to say one thing? When are you planning on fixing this event?

12 plus hours? Come on, lets get it together already.

Aggravated player!