Showing Posts For Akano.5876:

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


In my opinion ranger is really interesting proffesion. Maybe you’ve played so much that you don’t see how much you must do to play ranger good. Maybe you make many actions instinctively, so you don’t see it’s quite hard class. Maybe you don’t have to use many skills all the time, but on ranger really good positioningis required and without good use of dodges you can die pretty fast.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


Gorilla would be nice

Condition duration

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


So, warrior has “Deep Cuts”, elementalist has “Serrated Stones” and necro has “Hemophilia”. Can we have something like that? It would be really useful because for example necro stacks bleeds all the time and we can’t do it because we must be flanking to stack bleed so it would be nice if our bleeds wouldn’t dissapear in a few seconds because it’s quite hard to stack them. What do you think about it?

Condition removal

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


I really enjoy my ranger,it’s my favourite profession, but he really lacks in good condition removals. Most of them need pet to be alive, and need to build our character strict for support. The only removal we have that don’t need it is healing spring. But ranger must move, do dodges during the battle, so he can’t stay in the place and wait for his conditons being removed. Please give ranger one good removal. For example make “lightning reflexes” cooldown bigger and add the “removes all conditions” line or change “signet of renewal” in that way it don’t need pet to be alive. Please think about it.

Sorry for my english, it’s not my native language.