Showing Highly Rated Posts By Akimbo.4835:

No Achieves Because Other Players Are Bad...

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


I have a job and a life. I don’t have a massive amount of time to play GW2 outside of the weekends.

I don’t really want to have to spend a whole day redoing the Marionette trying to get achievements -there’s a one time, permanant reward for the meta achievement, that’s all I want- that I miss out on due to other players failing, for whatever reason, they’re bad, they’re unlucky, whatever. The reason isn’t really that important.

However when I beat a champion with my group, take no hits from the Marionette and then one of the other platforms fail. I still want to receive credit for MY achievements.

I don’t want to have to wait 2 hours, then have to hope that the other players arn’t going to fail and ruin yet another chance at the achievements I still need.

The content design itself isn’t too bad. The new red-rings for AoE and other AoE markers are great.

Despite what I think about a giant clockwork poledancer dangling from a UFO (..ugh) I’ve finally become interested in the story behind it again…only to have all fun quashed because of terrible decisions on how to implement the achievements.

I doubt anything will change for this living story, but please, in future can we not have achievements that rely on other people not failing? Because it’s frustrating and a waste of time.

p.s. Don’t take insult at the title, a little harsh I know…but true.

(edited by Akimbo.4835)