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22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akujin.3781


Correction: Chests = Keys…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akujin.3781


FYI: If you were planning on doing Black Lion Chests, DON’T!

I gave A-Net $90 and opened 90 chests (counting keys given from chests). What did that net me? Crap. XP and crap boosts and the normal stuff you get from chests, and two of the heavy-armor h’ween shoulders which look really lame. Absolute waste of money. I am not happy with A-Net for putting the drop rates THIS LOW! WTF?!! PS: I was going for the Spider Shortbow..

Lesson learned = Don’t give A-Net money. They won’t make it worth your time….

Sorry A-Net, just calling it like it is. GREAT game, otherwise.