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What should I make my main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Akukai.9035


@OP: It looks to me like you would prefer Engineer more, but that’s my 2 cents from what I’ve gathered from this thread.

Oh you were a shammy in WoW? I too was a shaman in WoW – I was mostly ele and resto, so Elementalist is more fitting with spells like Healing Rain. If you were an enhancement shaman, than Warrior, Thief, or even Ele with daggers may work. At the same time, some people have compared the Engineer with his guns/kits to WoW shaman with his totems/elementals.

And same as you OP, both my Ranger and Elementalist are lvl10 right now. Time to choose and not look back, until 80. After 80, we can always level the other class

@Hyena: I hear ya man. I don’t know why but I’m drawn to difficult and UP classes all the time (ele shammy in wow). I can see how Ranger may become boring. Also, I’ve read that recent piece “Bot Crisis” on Gamespy about ranger bot trains. Yeah, from what I see, most popular classes are Warriors, Rangers, and Guardians. Not too many Eles, Engis, Necros, Mesmers… at least on my server running about

@Drake Phoenix: I’ll definitely max both my Ranger and Elementalist eventually. The question is who first lol. Btw, thanks for your take on my questions.

What should I make my main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Akukai.9035


Drake Phoenix, I feel like I’m like you, can’t decide between Ranger and Elementalist, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough time to play both, unfortunately

Could you help me sway towards either one or the other? What about Ele you like best that keeps making you come back? How about the Ranger?

What should I make my main?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Akukai.9035


Maaan, I’m in the same position as you.

Recently got game. Don’t have much time to play it, but loving ALL classes.

Narrowed down to these three:

Elementalist (lvl10)
-what I’ve been hearing: complex and involved class to play, still haven’t mastered attunement swapping, low damage, very squishy, have to move around a lot, but very fun with lots AoEs
Ranger (lvl10)
-easiest time solo pveing, feels natural to me, but worried about getting bored with the easy-breezy nature of the class, like the pew pew pew and pet management is easy, strong single target, some trouble with multiple mobs
Guardian (lvl4)
-least experience, but liking very well so far. Strong support, very survivable unlike Ele and tanky. Biggest pet peeve is little to no range. I LOOOVE staying at range, that is why elementalist and ranger are my top choices.

I too want to stick with one till 80 and do everything with him. Also, I like to have cool-looking armor. So far, I see that the Heavy armor available to Warriors and Guardians simply looks better than light armor or even medium armor. Anet really needs to step it up a notch with medium, light, and cultural armors, I think.

Playable Centaur Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akukai.9035


… they don’t need to, they buck … buck hard

Playable Centaur Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akukai.9035


Fast sprint/dodge maneuvre instead of roll

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akukai.9035


Centaur is my choice. A nomadic capital city, constantly on the move throughout the world’s regions.

Realistically, Tengu and Kodan for sure (their in-game presence hints at that). Largos to explore their gorgeous underwater areas more – a completely underwater capital city.

Make all these happen, A-Net! But first, my Centaur please )))

Playable Centaur Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akukai.9035


I really want to play Guild Wars 2 as a Centaur

Most probably, playable Centaur would form a Ventari pride, like Ehrgren Whitemane (no hatred of human or norn, or other races for that matter). This Ventari pride Centaur would immediately be very much so in accord with the Sylvari, as the Ventari Tablet was placed at the Pale Tree and this particular Centaur’s views are highly esteemed by the Sylvari.

It would be even more fun, but less probable, to play as the Modniir pride that sent the Harathi and the Tamini prides on the warpath against the humans of Kryta.

I realize this will probably never happen. I made similar suggestions in WoW for the Centaur to be made a playable race. I find Ventari to be very much so similar to WoW’s Centaur Pariah.
Unlike WoW, I just hope GW2 develop the Centaur story more, perhaps culminating in a playable pride/tribe/clan

I also realize that the Centaur model is not a humanoid model and that will make armors, animations, and such difficult, clippy, or buggy for all professions.

Still, I can’t help but entertain the idea )))