Showing Posts For Akula.7642:
Sadly, I have given up. I haven’t logged in for the final episode, and really don’t care. This has really soured my opinion of GW2. After having 2 L80’s and honestly enjoyed the game from day 1, I was hoping that the new event and content would refresh what was become a rather monotonous experience. There is only so much you can do after 80, and my true love was the WvW. A long time DAOC fanboi, I was hoping that WvW would get some love as it just hasn’t had the same fulfillment of past experiences. I’m hoping that ANet will pull some magic out of their hat and fix what has been an abortion of an release, but something has changed in my mind. I just don’t feel it anymore, and even less after this weekend.
After all the chaos, bugs, lag, etc I gave up doing any of the scheduled events. I decided I would give the new zone a shot this morning and spent an hour with a group of about 8 people running thru the area. Although I give the artists great credit for making it look great, we killed 4 veterans and 2 champions and we received ZERO drops. In fact, the only thing I’ve gotten in the new zone were a few scales off of the lizards and some passion fruit. I’ve really enjoyed GW2 but this new event/zone is an abortion. It really makes me not want to play anymore which is really sad. Hopefully something is done or I fear the attitude of the player base will really suffer.