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I feel let down by this event due to lag/disconnects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Akyne.2509


We who chose to spend our real life Sunday doing this one time event are entitled to a somewhat playable experience.

I understand that the game is new-ish and bugs need to be ironed out, but the stability issues made this event completely devoid of enjoyability.

The loot at the end is game changing in terms of the economy, but we shouldn’t of had to lower our tolerances to obtain it.

I feel let down by this event due to lag/disconnects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Akyne.2509


If Anet can check logs to see who got disconnected at the end they can check mine and see I was doing the event chain. Why would I stop doing a one-time event?

I wanted to participate but the lag was unbearable. Now hearing people got precursors for being willing to ride a laggy train for hours is slightly annoying.

I feel let down by this event due to lag/disconnects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Akyne.2509


Feeling a bit let down by this event, not so much by the content, I’m sure I would of enjoyed it if not for the crippling lag and disconnects.

I was online every night at start time and every night was the same thing, complete lag chaos. The first two nights were managable, it lagged a lot and would inevitably hang at some point, DC and put me in a different overflow to my guild but I got through them. The final night however was so bad that I couldn’t continue past the ancient karka section.

After an hour plus of having pretty much zero control over my character’s actions I asked myself “Is it worth it?” The game was freezing for 30 seconds or more at times and I felt like I was making no contribution to what was going on, other than providing other players with xp for reviving me from the deaths that I couldn’t see coming. I had had enough, feeling utterly frustrated I switched to an alt and went back to Lions Arch.

Today I’m reading people who got to the end of event chain and then DC’d by the servers are being allowed to claim their chest.

So my question is this… What about those of us who would of completed the event had it been playable? Can we run the event again? Will we get some sort of compensation?