Showing Posts For Alanducar.3902:

Sylvari "Awakening" Story Issue [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alanducar.3902


I’m starting to think they broke a lot of story quests when they released their last patch because i know many people are getting bugged in their own personal stories. Sylvari, Asura and Norn/Charr all seem to have a buggy quest that prevents them from moving forward in their series. I hope if they get this fixed that something else doesn’t end up being broken going forward. Could you imagine getting past the first quest and then running into another bug in the next quest in line? lol

Awakening: Troll salve pickup bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alanducar.3902


I actually got a hold of someone in support and basically they are aware of the bug and hope to have a fix out for it soon. I had the exact same problem and i am disheartened to see its happening to other players as well. Sadly all we can do as far as i am aware is wait till they fix this. Its not even the only quest that’s been buggy lately apparently.