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[Discussion] Future of PvP Blog

in PvP

Posted by: Albus.8614


My reaction to this pvp preview is mostly confusion.

1- I assumed that “new rewards” meant “additional rewards”. But instead, the ONLY current rewards from pvp (rank + glory) are being removed to be replaced with gold.

2-You’re adding in a new glory vendor that trades glory for levels. Two things wrong here:
A-Glory is being removed.
B-Who knew that levelling up was such a big concern for pvp players? I mean if you’re levelling up to play PvE, then why not just PvE? If you’re levelling up to play WvW, then what is the message here, that WvW is the end-game for PvP?

3- A ladder system is replacing rank. I don’t see why these are mutually exclusive. (also don’t see where this idea is coming from? certainly not the community…)

4- Glory is eliminated so that gold will be the standard currency throughout the game. But this game is full of currencies, will karma and badges of honour also be eliminated?

And lastly, The Burning Question: Do we open our match win chests now, December 10th, or some future date to get the maximum benefit from them?

PvE players farm r50 in 2 weeks, disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Albus.8614


I recently got to r40 strictly through tournaments. I agree with the OP: it is disgusting that hotjoin farmers who invested a fraction of the time and effort that I exerted are surpassing me in reward (glory) and recognition (rank titles and finishers). Custom arenas (formerly hotjoins) should only be a place to test new builds, scrimmage with friends, and for new players to learn the basic mechanics of pvp.

Please disable glory gain and rank progression in custom arenas. Furthermore, for any rewards that are put in the game in the future, I hope you retroactively cancel rank gained from hotjoin and adjust player’s current rank to only reflect points gained from tournaments.

And for all those saying “rank means nothing”… well maybe it means nothing to you. But when I look at my rank I can be proud at having earned it legitimately while honing my pvp skills in tournaments. Can you say the same about yours?

Reduction of rank point rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Albus.8614


I don’t usually post, but I am very disappointed that the rank points for tournament wins in solo q is only 150. Considering that people blatantly use custom arenas to farm glory by killing each other right at the gate with no respawn timer, I can’t believe anet would decrease rewards from tournaments, which aim toward genuinely competitive play.

7/23/13 New Armour in PvP Locker.

in PvP

Posted by: Albus.8614


If you look at the end of each of the armour categories (light/medium/heavy) in the pvp locker there are new sets you can preview:

Light – Phoenix [&AgGXqAAA]
Medium – Magitech [&AgGWqAAA]
Heavy – Braham’s [&AgGVqAAA]

Anyone know how/when to obtain?

(edited by Albus.8614)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Albus.8614


Hi Gaile,

I’m very grateful that you looked into ticket 130106-002397, for which you posted “final answer sent today”. Support says again that I cannot reactive the account. This matter was simply a billing mistake, and I don’t understand why I cannot just pay the balance owed to regain the account. I hoped that as a business, ncsoft/anet would not want to deny money from a willing customer.

I was hoping as the liaison to support you would in some way be able to intercede on my behalf. As of right now, it seems like support (not you) doesn’t really care whether I play or not, and that makes me feel pretty bad considering how long I’ve been a supporter of this game.

If there is any kind of appeal process, or anything else you can do to help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Albus.8614


Hello Gaile,

About a week ago, I had a friend (eVoVe.7659) post for me about a ticket (130106-002397). I know that you do not want multiple people posting here, and I truly apologize, but I have since bought a 2nd account, and I don’t want to burden him with posting here again to update my case.

I know that you were looking into this matter, and I really appreciate your help. Today I got an answer from support, and they informed me that because my purchase of gems got denied by my credit card company and there was a charge back, that therefore my account has been permanently closed and cannot be re-opened.

I really hope that there is something you can do to help me get my account back. This was completely an accident, and I am willing to pay again for the gems as well as any charges that might have been incurred as a result of the chargeback. This case here ( appears to be similar and it seems like he was eventually able to restore his account.

Thanks again