Showing Posts For Alendar.3195:
Antitoxin Spray obviously.
It’s a CC that works only with poison torment and confusion, and scales if you cleanse those, and it doesn’t even put vulnerability on you either!
This is what i was thinking initially, but they are removing Antitoxin Spray in the next patch.
15% condi->health returns might not sound too overpowered, but that’s completely disregarding the use of epidemic to spread conditions, as well as the condition caps being changed. Just some quick math for you, if they uncap bleeds to say… 150 stacks, a necro has the ability to distribute 600 stacks of bleeding every 12(15) seconds as long as the target retains 150 stacks. At roughly max condi damage, that’s about 200 damage a stack per second. That comes out to about 120,000 damage per second total. With 15% returns from Contagion, that’s a massive 18,000 health returned per second, which comes out to around 70% healing per second. From a single casting of Epidemic.
This came out of left field for some reason.
“I’m excited about what they will reveal next!”
*various discussion back and forth *
“Guys they won’t release the expansion without first nerfing necro traits, because of some implausible situation and math!”
But to be fair, if they did uncap bleed stacks to the point that we can have 30k sustained bleeding damage on a target (in addition to all the other damage), that lived longer then fractions of a second, then we’d be fighting a boss mob that would probably one shot the necro, or not hit him at all, rendering all that massive healing pointless.
Here’s a random thought. How about instead of just axe cool downs, it reduced all cool downs?