Showing Posts For Aless.7896:

Announcing the OMFG WvW Division!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aless.7896


Hey Fay,
also wanted to say that I’m interested in the WvW raids. The time should work for me so i would say that i am highly probably in joining

Optimal Mesmer WvW Trait Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aless.7896


oh also i messed up in the build link. Deceptive evasion should be used in stead of the +toughness on channeling mantra to make full use of debilitating dissipation in zerg. Also a good reason to have a bunch of energy recovery sigils since you get more dodges = more clones = more clones dying = (hoepfully) more weakness/vulnerability on energy front lines

Optimal Mesmer WvW Trait Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aless.7896


Hopefully it works as intended. I know from testing other people’s builds that even if it looks good on paper it doesn’t work as well in real time.

Best of luck to ya!

Optimal Mesmer WvW Trait Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aless.7896


Here is a build i made up that focuses on tankyness but does have some power.
Overall i feel mesmer is not really great for commanding but seems like it would be something fun to do every once in awhile. Personally i would never try doing this but to each their own. If i absolutely had to command and had the money for the armor i would probably do something like so. . .

Im not really good at theory crafting so please don’t rip it apart too badly. Im mostly backline harass or glamour support as a mesmer so im not used to a) creating builds and b) playing tanky.

Now an attempt to explain this build.
Weapons are Sw/Focus + Staff. Sword main hand for obvious reasons. Focus because it allows you to control the enemy alittle via cripple and pulls. Pistol and Sword are more for 1v1 or roaming IMHO which leaves us with torch or focus. Torch i think is a viable alternative since you can use it to blind the front line as you guys clash and the phantasm might live long enough to get some confusion/retal out. Either or i feel would work, just a matter of preference.
I chose staff for the second b/c of chaos storm and chaos armor. And b/c i have a personal preference for the staff. But some perks are being able to lay down chaos storm and have your hammer train/blasts go through it and give everyone chaos armor which is pretty nice.

mantra of recovery for heals and proccing mender’s purity for the condi cleanse.
Mantra of concentration for stun break/stability when going through hammer trains/stuns/cc.

The next two utilities really is up to you. I personally would go veil and portal cause veil is amazing for setting up and portal because i’ve always enjoyed portal plays and their funny fails when it completely goes wrong.

For the elite you can do w/e. I’ve heard timewarp makes you take extra damage now but i haven’t heard any confirmation on it so i left it there.

Traits are 0/6/4/4/0
in Dueling pick up the lower cd mantra trait and DE. Then triumphant distortion cause it works well in zergs.
In chaos i picked up devilitating dissipation cause illusions will be dying as you dodge through the zergs. This will give the 5 enemies condis, hopefully weakness. for the last trait you can pick up chaotic dampening if you want to play more defensive with staff and have more chaos armor uptime or you can pick up bountiful interruption and hope that you can get interrupts on the front line that will be loaded with stability.
Inspirationi picked up mender’s purity and restorative mantras for condi clears and extra healing since you will be on the front line. i would personally keep mender’s purity but the second trait can be changed to more glamour based or less cd for your focus. or moved around entirely. your choice.

mostly sentinel. You said you wanted tanky with some attack so i went with sentinels instead of say nomads. I did not go PTV because i feel that staying alive is more important than damage and as a mesmer that will be difficult as a front line. But if you feel that you are experience enough go for PTV for the extra attack. Knight’s trinkets for some toughness but also precision. This is for the vigor uptime which with this build you will have at least 60% vigor uptime from that trait alone.

Obviously energy on both weapons. I then chose something not so commonly seen but something that i seem to have growth a liking to which is superior sigil of stamina. This is actually really nice in zerg fights similar to how triumphant distortion works but without an ICD. Every time an enemy dies, you get 2 full dodges again. If having energy + this sigil seems overkill switch it out for something. On the staff i would go with bloodlust for some more damage. Apart from the two energy sigil they can be changed around pretty easily.

At the very least i hope i gave you something to work off of. Again i dont consider myself an amazing theory crafter but wanted to see if i could help a bit. If this build is not anything close to what you were looking for feel free to disregard it. It won’t hurt my feeling… i promise. looks at stormhawk with puppy eyes

Challenge Motes are bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


I think it would be nice if they just gave us an alternative way to get the ascended item for the biolum set. The point in doing the achievement for me is to try and complete the set. Just put in a secondary way of getting the item and i’d be a happy camper. They can fix the stupid mote later for all i care.

Challenge Motes are bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


By the looks of it it seems this bug has been around for a month on this post alone. . .
Still hoping for a fix. Spent hours thinking jumping in the instance enough would help…. but to no avail :<

account will be shutdown?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aless.7896


Thank you very much for the quick reply!

account will be shutdown?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aless.7896


Im mostly wondering if this is a scam. I have reported said GM Redhame just in case. The information i would have to give would give whoever has that info complete control over my account so i would like to proceed with caution

account will be shutdown?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aless.7896



so while playing some spvp i got some mail saying that my account will be closed down
due to currency transactions or abnormal login. it gives me a link to follow to remove restrictions and when i get to the link it asks for email, user name, and serial key.
it is electronically signed by GM Redhame.
in my mail it says it is not sent by Guild Wars 2 Team but by another player
so i was wondering is my account actually getting shut down? if so for what reason? i don’t believe i’ve had any abnormal log ins or currency transactions.

Spvp rewards and daily bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


Almost… i was excited to try it out and ill try out doing tournament queues. But i’ve had this issue for over a few days now. Since a couple days after the newest big patch. The daily spvp not resetting and the 2 levels per day track might be bugs that are working together to make my leveling and rewards just completely messed up.

Spvp rewards and daily bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


When doing spvp i dont seem to be able to progress in my reward track anymore. Initially it the reward track progressed and i was able to make progress but about 20 games back i realized that it wasn’t moving at all. Any fixes?

Also my daily spvp and normal daily are all not resetting at all for some reason.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


i really hope i dont have to quit cause i can’t get out of a stupid instance… that would completely suck :<


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


how does one file a ticket? :<


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aless.7896


so i was in spvp sky hammer and for some reason after the match ended everyone got stuck on the map
logging out
switching characters
leaving the arrow above map
leaving by switching to wvw
leaving by using spvp tab
and various other methods have been tried
and we are all still stuck
please get us unstuck
also im missing wvw reset night with my guildies
and missing THE LOOTS!!! :<

Mesmer Build: "Evasive Signets"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aless.7896


wow. this looks like a solid build. very high toughness and damage. Im more used to a shatter build so im not sure how i would take not having a blink or decoy available when i needed it.
For the pistol off hand have you thought about using a superior sigil of strength? 30% on crit get more might. has a 2 sec internal cd but might you get lasts 10 sec (i think)