Showing Highly Rated Posts By Alfred.3921:

Chinese Language Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alfred.3921


I`m a Chinese player too.Chinese interface is good for all the Chinese character user.That `s about Chinese Mainland player,Chinese TaiWan player,overseas Chinese player and other Chinese character use player.Guild Wars 2 is a MMORPG to bring into play sociality that need multiple language interface in all servers not only in few servers.So we wish to see Chinese interface.


Question about the skill"Signet of Renewal"

in Ranger

Posted by: Alfred.3921


Hello,I`m a new player and choose ranger for my 1st  character.
I have a question about the skill “Signet of Renewal”.
“Signet Passive: Cures a condition every ten seconds.”it`s said.
But…………….How do U count the time about the"ten seconds"?I can`t find any timer there.
Should us suggest ArenaNet to do something with it or they thought it should be like that?
