Showing Posts For Algus.1035:

Braham the Norn

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Algus.1035


I came here to discuss Braham but, after reading the thread, I found that everything has been discussed already.

Anyway, my first impression of Braham is that he’s modeled very poorly. I thought he looked ten years older than Eir but, really, learning that he’s supposed to be seventeen really left me puzzled. He looks like a forty years old man who took one too many punches to the face.
His choice of weapons is also silly to me. His mace is almost as big as his lower body, making him look straight out of WoW.

Now, his story seems silly, too. His homestead gets attacked by the Molten Alliance, so he runs away looking for help. Instead of asking Knut (or anyone in Hoelbrak, really), he runs all the way to the Citadel because he doesn’t want to get involved with Eir. At the Citadel, he asks Rytlock for help by… addressing his relationship with Eir.
Rytlock gives him a quite understandable glare, at which point Uglio finally visits Knut.
It seems to me there’s a lot of details contradicting with each other: why did he think Rytlock, of all people, would help him out? Why did he use his relationship with Eir to pull strings with Rytlock when he could have done the same with anyone in Nornland and get better results? If Borje wanted his death to be kept a secret, why didn’t Eir mention him in her short conversation with Braham? Does she know he is dead? Why didn’t Braham and his lot run to safety to Hoelbrak or Lion’s Arch like everyone else? It’s not like the Alliance hasn’t been storming the Foothills for a while now.

Braham’s quest really left me unsure of what to expect next. Hopefully, either his model is improved, or Eir is revealed to be an unaging sixty years old hag because, as it stands now, I’m being reminded of the one time I created a 70 years old geezer in Dragon Age 2 who looked downright hilarious next to his silver-haired top model mother. That’s right, I’m being reminded of Dragon Age 2. That’s not a good sign!

Forums redirecting broken

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Algus.1035


What the above poster said; I have to login, go back in my history and refresh every time. Please fix this.