Showing Posts For Altharion.7961:

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Altharion.7961


Bump just because it ought to be Stickied

AC Story mode. Whiteside Ridge. Now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Altharion.7961


Lvl 35 newbie elementalist looking for 4 others to do this. I am on now and waiting

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Altharion.7961


As a new player to the game this guide has been very helpfull for me. Still only level 20 but the guide really gave me some good advice to get there.
Thanks for the good work

Pro/Cons of Staff-Daggers-Scepter-Focus

in Elementalist

Posted by: Altharion.7961


A lot of your answers seems to miss the fact that I asked froma PVE point of view. I do not intend to play PVP at all.

Pro/Cons of Staff-Daggers-Scepter-Focus

in Elementalist

Posted by: Altharion.7961



I am new to the game and has started and elementalist. Got it up to lvl 15 so far and started to wonder.
If you have to tell me from a pure PvE point then what are the pro/cons of the different weapon configurations?

So far I tried a little bit of both, but some pointers would be nice as well.
Allso are there any other configurations available for us than (or are soem of them not possible):
1. Staff/Trident (is this the same powers)
2. Dagger+Dagger.
3. Dagger+Scepter.
4. Dagger+Focus.
5. Scepter+Focus

Thanks in advance

Is the Official Strategy Guide worth buying

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


Thanks for the answers

I´ll save my money and look at the wiki page.

Is the Official Strategy Guide worth buying

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


I am VERY new to GW2 and in the past only played CoH/CoV for about 4 years. then i had a kid and didnt play for 3 years.

Now I am slowly starting up again and I am thinking about getting the Guide to have some reading to do to a littel homework before getting to far into the game.

Bind for same powers in slot possible?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


I used a skill point to select a skill in slot 6. I thought it would be available int he “tray” but I guess not.
So is it possible to make a bind or some other thing that makes it useable without having to press the little arrow to change skill in the slot and use the power?
Its a little to intense to do while fighting.
Both powers in slot 6 is a healing power and it would be nice to have acces to them both in a easier way.

anyone able to help here

A slew of questions from a new player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


Thank you for the help and answers so far.

Huamn elem is feeling right so far. Reminds me a little of my Triform Warshade with the switching between elemtel powers.

Another question. Is a “respec” possible. I worry that I might place my skillpoints wrong (have 2 so far) and havent placed them yet becasue i want to do it right.

A slew of questions from a new player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


A followup question. Wich charahcter is the best for solo mode pve play? I dont mind teaming but my work schedule means that i will often have to solo.

A slew of questions from a new player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


Thank you for the videos.

If anyone has answers for my questions as well atth would be really nice

A slew of questions from a new player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Altharion.7961


I havent played mmo´s in ages and the last and only one I played was City of Heroes/Villains.
As such i have some questions I hope to get answered

1. Difference in races? Are some better at some classes or not? Is the difference only story related or is there a reason to go with a specifiq race?

2. Classes. What to choose. I used to play and prefere Blasters in CoH and Corrupters in CoV. Anyone know what I mean and what would be the most like that here?

3. What effect does the choices in the charachter creation do. (background and temper)

4. Is there a real tutorial or is the first mission the tutorial?
