Showing Posts For Altom.2634:

Trading Post Armor Type Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Altom.2634


Just a minor suggestion really: A way to filter armor types on the trading post (heavy, medium, light). It would be really helpful for obvious reasons.

No titles for crafters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Altom.2634


I didn’t see the date before I posted :x Oops. All I did was look up on Google if it was possible to get a Chef title, and this thread popped up and I jumped at it

No titles for crafters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Altom.2634


I LOVE cooking! It was the first profession I maxed, I’ve almost (just need those pesky karma recipes) crafted every single recipe in-game so far, and even bought myself a chef costume. I’ve spent countless hours dedicated to my craft.

And my title is… Apprentice Toymaker. Hrmph.

I would LOVE to have a Chef or Cook title! What I think would be really nifty is if it were tiered (you start as apprentice) and you moved up the tiers based on the amount of kinds of dishes you’ve made (e.g. 20 common, 10 uncommon). The master tier, and consequently having the title, would obviously be the hardest (100 common, 50 uncommon, 20 rare, 10 master or something along those lines).

Just a thought. I just want a way to get it either way!