Showing Posts For AmRoKo.2785:

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AmRoKo.2785


Yar! I would totally pay for this, I bought cosmetic type stuff in the other GW, just add the option a LOT sooner in this game please.

(edited by AmRoKo.2785)

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: AmRoKo.2785


Home World: Henge of Denravi
Guild Name: The Kitten Hamster Coalition [TKHC]
Guild Website: None right now!
In-Game Contact: Peach Monkey
Focus: WvW
Quick Notes: We are a very active group of friends that love to play lots and lots of WvW! we also do PvP, PvE, Dungeons, Jump Puzzles, and everything else! We played a Lot of Guild Wars 1 and welcome anyone who have also played that, and anyone else who can be mature and have fun.

(edited by AmRoKo.2785)

The Kitten Hamster Coalition [TKHC] - Henge of Denravi

in Guilds

Posted by: AmRoKo.2785


Guild Name – The Kitten Hamster Coalition

Guild Age – Brand New

Member Count – 2 friends and me

Summary of Guild – Fun, Helpful, Friendly, PvP/Pve/WvWvW/and everything else!

Website (If applicable) – None right now.

Contact Info (In-game, or other preference) – Send me a message, leave a reply here, Contact me in-game (Peach Monkey).


1. Why is it named The Kitten Hamster Coalition? :O


2. Is this a PvX or WvW Guild, because it says both so I’m not sure. =^-.-^=("")

We mainly play WvW, it is the most fun for us, However we also do a lot of random PvE stuff, with some sPvP thrown in.

3. Since you say you mainly play WvW are you guys any good? like do you have strategies? or do you just go around with the zerg constantly?

We do not follow the zerg constantly, most of the time we make a small group to go around and cap camps and what not. For some reason hardly anyone else does that and for far too many times we have seen our teammates get pushed all they way back to the starting zone because when we have control over one thing on the entire map everyone feels they must go protect it, instead of it being like – some go to defend, others form small/medium groups to go around and cap other stuff so to make the other servers pull away to go and get whatever the small/medium groups had capped.

4. How active are you guys in playing GW 2?

We play GW 2 almost everyday.

5. Am I required to play everyday?

No. Although we play a lot of GW 2 we do have lives outside of it, and we assume you do too.

6. Do you guys have some sort of voice communication set up like Teamspeak, vent or mummble?

Since the guild is small right now we just us Skype either in WvW, or if people just want to chat or whatever. Though if the guild gets much bigger like say 30-40 people I may decide to get a Teamspeak server. That is if they really want one. we do talk a lot on the chat though even if some of us are on Skype.

7. Are you going to get a website for The Kitten Hamster Coalition Guild? :o

Maybe if the guild gets more people and they really want one. As of right now, I don’t see the point in having one.

8. Are guys like super dupers friendly and gots a great sense of humor??? 8(^o^)8



In The Kitten Hamster Coalition we are a bit silly and quirky at times, however we can be serious when it’s needed. Though we always try to have a good time no matter what the circumstances.

We believe in Quality over Quantity, we don’t want people who are constantly going to be negative, nobody needs to be around that. We do also prefer people who are experienced in WvW though it’s not a requirement, we know there is always time to learn.

The members in this Guild right now, two of them are age 19 one is 26. We do Not have a minimum age limit right now, though we ask that anyone who wants to join be mature as in – not going to harass other members for Items/Gold, be courteous where needed, don’t be sexist or racist and respect others religions/beliefs.

We like to joke around a lot while using Skype OR on the chat, our “Inappropriate” jokes are normally just used in Skype. Though we are mostly pretty chill and only talk about whats happening at the moment where in-game.

Well, if you feel like this is the Guild for you, and you want to join us, just contact me in one of those three ways I wrote down next to “Contact info” choose whatever is easiest for you.


Peach Monkey!

(edited by AmRoKo.2785)