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100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amaristo.8406


I have completed the 100% world map and received the two gifts of exploration and the title “Been there Done that”, however I do not have a star next to my name. There is nothing on my interface to notify me that I have the star, and people I group with have said they do not see a star.

Help please?

Screenshots below:

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaristo.8406


I ran SE story mode last night with a group of pubs and got owned hard by the Fire Golem (2nd golem). We ended up not continuing because we had sunk nearly two hours with no signs of progress and people were starting to fall asleep.

The beauty of fights like this is that if you use your endurance (dodge resource) properly you have the endurance to dodge literally every single harmful effect assuming you don’t waste dodges on moving around the map. I pugged SE a while back and was able to stay alive the entire time while my teammates ran back from the waypoint.

Every 1-shot mechanic has a ‘tell’ and you are able to completely avoid it by dodging. Keep in mind if the one-shot circle is too big to get out of you are able to keep a mental timer on when it will land on the ground and ‘dodge roll’ to completely evade the attack while still sitting in the circle or whatever the case may be.

That being said, I believe there are some 1-shot mechanics that have ‘bugged’ circles or may just be intentionally like that. In any case you can either look for the circle on the ground or look at the boss that is doing the 1-shot mechanic. For instance: In CoF Magg, the big Devourer that does that 1-shot rock thing, the devourer actually faces his target and puts both of his front claws into the ground (takes about 2 seconds) and then flips his tail in the air to trigger the 1-shot rock.

I ended up barely breaking even on the run..had I used waypoints I would have been at a loss.

Just to note, waypoints in major cities and inside of dungeons cost 0 copper.