Showing Posts For Amon.3192:

Guild Rank Management

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.3192


Guild Rank Management Suggestions
A few suggestions, in no particular order, that I would find useful for managing guild ranks. Some more difficult than others in terms of feasibility.

Use Case: Allow members to invite while restricting who can promote and kick.
The current “Admin Lower Ranks” permission combines invite, promote/demote, and kick privileges.

Suggest a change to separate out permissions for more granular control. For example:

  • “Extend Invitations” – Allow a rank to extend guild invitations.
  • “Manage Lower Ranks” – Allow promotion/demotion of ranks, as per the current system.
  • “Revoke Membership” – Allow a rank to revoke guild membership, as per the current system.

Use Case: Centralize Permission Management
The current user interface for managing per-rank permissions is decentralized. One can only view one rank’s permissions at a time.

Suggest redesign of the user interface to centralize information. Concrete example is something comparable to a spreadsheet, with the discrete guild permissions along the vertical axis and the ranks along the horizontal axis. This would allow “at-a-glance” management of all rank permissions on one screen.

Use Case: Organize Ranks into Tiers
The current rank management system is entirely linear. Ranks are ordered from top-to-bottom, in a fixed linear order.

Suggest the capability to group ranks into tiers. This could be something as simple as allowing ranks to be color-coded (e.g., group ranks into red, blue, green tiers). Or it could be as complex as allowing hierarchical, or tree-based rank structures.

[NA] Dark Rituals - New Guild/Startup

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


This has been quite the busy week for the guild! We have a very active community, at 139 strong and growing daily. Our guild hall was claimed last weekend, and we are in the process of structuring weekly guild activities.

We are still growing! Our projected community size is 200 (not too small, not too big). If you are looking for an active, friendly group of people with whom to enjoy the game, please, drop me a whisper or mail in game. I look forward to hearing from you!

[NA] Dark Rituals - New Guild/Startup

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


Dark Rituals has grown to 55 members in the past week! We have an active, friendly group, and continue to welcome more to our little community daily.

We are still growing! Please contact me in-game or PM if this sounds like the guild that you’ve been searching for.

[NA] Dark Rituals - New Guild/Startup

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


Dark Rituals [RIT] is an actively growing PvX community, extending an invitation to folks looking for a home!

Dark Rituals is a PvX guild, offering a bit of everything. This is not a “focus” guild; we are active in all game modes. The goal is to build a large enough community so that groups who want to band together for an activity naturally do so. We want it to be something organic, not contrived. That being said, guild missions and a guild hall are a priority. This will allow us to provide useful services such as buffs, boons, and a place to gather and call home.

Open Invite
There is a standing open invitation policy. We are actively welcoming folks, new and veteran alike, to help round out our community.

There are no initial server or representation requirements. I’ve been in guilds with and also personally tried 100% rep policies, and the simple fact is that people are going to do what they want. There is a firm non-control policy in effect: If you like what the guild offers, rep us. If not, don’t. If you find that the guild enriches your experience, help us out! If not, no worries, maybe there is a better fit somewhere else.

Team Communication
Dark Rituals has its own Discord server, available to all members.
We also have several commander tags, for organization of large guild events.

About the Leadership
A bit about myself: I am a long-time player, with experience with most game modes since launch. By no means an expert, I am willing to offer assistance with open world, personal/living story, leveling, crafting, dungeons, fractals, PvP, and WvW. You will probably find me on my 3rd necro, which has become my main for the foreseeable future.

How To Join
If this sounds like something enough off of the beaten path for you, please send me an in-game mail, or PM me. There is no application process. I don’t like being “screened”, and I’m sure you don’t either! I keep evening hours during the week, and more active hours on the weekends. Please drop me a line. I look forward to hearing from you!

(edited by Amon.3192)

Glitch with shadow/ligh GTX1070

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amon.3192


I have the same system configuration, and have been seeing the same issue in some areas. Not many areas, but enough to be visibly noticeable. I did a few things today that seem to help:

Clean driver install. From the driver options, custom, clean. Removes the old driver and does a fresh install.

Disable all GeForce Experience overlays. In fact, disable all overlays period. There seems to be some conflict with the overlays and the 2D HUD. I was seeing artifacts in the bottom HUD strip, and they disappeared when I turned the overlays off.

This cleared up the vast majority of artifacts for me. I still see the occasional LOD problem, but those look to be unrelated.

My system specs, for comparison:

I7 6700k, stock speeds.
GTX 1070 Gigabyte G1
16GB RAM, stock speeds.

I run at 2560×1440 with everything cranked all the way up, including supersampling. No problems otherwise. Near constant 60FPS with vsync, except for high population events.

Gaming Headset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.3192


If your two top discriminators are headphone sound quality and microphone quality, do not buy a gaming headset. Get a good pair of stereo headphones and a dedicated external microphone. Gaming headsets are, quite frankly, overpriced for the quality that they provide.

I personally use a pair of Ultrasone HFI-780s customized with Brainwavz memory foam earpads to fully enclose the soundstage. My motherboard is one of the MSI gaming series with the onboard Audio Boost. It drives the headphones very well without any distortion. Sound quality is far and away superior to gaming headphones that I have used. I still own a pair of Logitech G35s, but will never go back to them.

Watch the headphone impedance. 32ohms is typical. Less than 32ohms will get you poor sound quality. Higher end headphones come with higher impedance, so if you opt for something like the Beyerdynamic DT-770 pro at 80ohms or 250ohms (another highly recommended option), make sure your audio source can drive it without distortion. If you have a motherboard with a dedicated power supply for the onboard audio, and a decent audio codec, there is no need to use an external sound card or headphone amplifier. Check your hardware documentation. Make sure that your hardware is built with components that minimize signal to noise interference.

For a microphone, there are a number of good external options. I personally use an external condenser microphone, Blue Snowball. It is crystal clear and provides far better sound quality than any gaming headset that I have used.

Finally, a note on surround sound. Games like Guild Wars 2 are encoded to drive 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound if you have the hardware to support it. Adding surround sound will significantly enhance your gaming experience. Three options here: A gaming headset with a licensed hardware codec built in (usually something like Dolby); an external soundcard with a built in hardware codex; or a software codec. Save yourself a lot of money. Get a software codec. You can download Razer Surround for free, and turn your headphones into 7.1 surround.

Marauder trinkets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.3192


Marauder amulet, ring, and earring are all craftable using jeweler. Purchase the jewel recipe from a master jeweler, and combine with the normal components using discovery. I crafted exotic Marauder trinkets a few days ago. The only thing that I cannot yet find is an exotic 80 backpiece with Marauder stats.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amon.3192


This may get lost in the flood, but I am leaving my feedback here:

If the elite specializations, defined as the set of skills and traits, are equitable with other, core, skills and traits, then I would expect the cost both in time spent and in hero points to be equitable.

If the cost in both time and hero points is disproportionally higher, then I would expect that the elite specializations would provide a comparably disproportionate advantage over the core skills and traits.

I am ok with balanced elite specializations at an equitable cost.
I am also ok with unbalanced, advantageous elite specializations, at a higher cost.

I am not ok with balanced elite specializations at an arbitrarily higher cost.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amon.3192


Recently i read a story of polish elecronics inventor who in 70’s invented computer 10 times faster then 80’s american models. Why no one heard of it? Cause “If you did it americans prolly already did it 10 years ago already!” is what he heard and got shoved outside the door.

But hey, many top mmorpgs have great business model and marketing teams telling devs exactly what to do to make it a success and raking in huge profits…right after they go F2P after a disastrous crash, from which the ignorant and dark-age minded players warned them on forums for ages….but hey i’m just one guy and americans know better;)

Instead of appealing to emotion and turning this into an “Americans vs Others” issue, try constructively responding to the rebuttals posted. Explain how your position differs from the current market and/or offers something that business professionals specializing in software, gaming, and MMORPG markets do not.

[NA] Time of Tyrians [TIME]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


Time of Tyrians [TIME] is actively recruiting!

(Updated 5/28/2015 to reflect changes)

Our core philosophy/focus areas:

We are a moderately sized guild with a primary emphasis on community. People and the relationships that we form with each other in-game are more valued than filling up the roster. Everyone knows each other, and we want to keep it that way! We are currently 70 members, with a soft target of 100. We’re looking for enough people to round out healthy activity while continuing to maintain a “small town” feel.

The guild has been around for two (2) years. The core leadership has been around since launch and is very active (daily). We welcome people with all experience levels and do not have any restrictions on professions or builds. Age is not a restriction; maturity level is. Having been in both small and large guilds, seeing guilds implode, and being in guilds with high drama, we feel that it is important to offer an option that is both stable and mature.

Group Activities
We are focused on doing things together. We have a private TeamSpeak3 server, and group for dungeons, Fractals, Living Story, PvE maps, WvW, and PvP. Aside from guild missions, we do not have structured activity times, and are looking for people who are willing to be proactive and spontaneous.

Guild missions are weekly. We have bounties, treks, guild rushes, and guild challenges currently unlocked and on a weekly rotation. We are on track to unlock guild puzzles. Guild missions are typically done on Saturday evenings, with make-up missions on-demand throughout the week for those who miss the main events.

Our primary WvW focus is Fort Aspenwood. We prefer guild roaming parties, but also contribute to the militia when necessary.

Time Zones/Peak Hours
Our active time zones are PST, CST, and EST, North American. Our peak hours are weekends (throughout the day) and evenings (weekdays). Many of us work full time, have families and children, and/or attend schools. We are looking for like minded people who both need and tolerate flexible schedules.

Contact Information
If this sounds like something that fits your playstyle, please message me in-game. If you see me online, feel free to whisper me.

(edited by Amon.3192)

[NA][FA][PvX] Time of Tyrians [TIME]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


Time of Tyrians [TIME] is a Fort Aspenwood based guild actively looking for folks to join our growing community. We welcome people of all experience levels from all servers.

About Us

  • We are a small, growing guild that has been established and stable for a bit more than a year and a half. Our officers are game veterans who have been here since launch and play daily.
  • Casual playstyle with an emphasis on community.
  • All game modes, including Living Story, dungeons, exploration, WvW, PvP, &c.
  • Guild missions – Currently bounties, soon treks, and rapidly moving to unlock more.
  • Private TeamSpeak 3 server for structured guild activities, guild parties, and socialization.


  • Primarily North American, coast to coast time zones.
  • Peak activity is evenings and weekends.
  • Mix of younger and older members. Many of us work, have families, go to school.
  • Flexible schedules, no mandatory activity times.

Our Goals

  • Mid-sized guild membership (100-200). Not too large where people get lost in a roster, but big enough to do guild-sized content.
  • Consistently active core, so folks always have a community with whom to enjoy the game.
  • Rotating activities, including structured PvP groups, guild WvW raids, weekly guild missions, dungeon runs, meta runs, and Fractals.

Contact Information
If this sounds like a good match for what your in-game goals are, please contact me by responding directly to this post, sending me a forum PM, sending me an in-game mail, or whispering me.

[NA] Kaineng - Time of Tyrians

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amon.3192


Time of Tyrians is a Kaineng based guild with a growing active core looking to expand. We are looking for heroes who are loyal to Kaineng and are interested in helping to build a strong PvE and WvW community.

Our guild website is:

We do have TeamSpeak 3.

If you are interested, please send me an e-mail or PM. I can be found in game on my elementalist, Thyrn Windwalker.

CPU upgrade - make much difference for FPS?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amon.3192


I started running with an i7-2600K with hyperthreading enabled and a Radeon HD 6750. I could only manage 60fps with medium settings, and the CPUs were pegged at nearly 90% load.

I upgraded the video card to a Radeon HD 7870, and just that one change allows me to run at 60fps at max settings—and my CPU load has dropped like a rock because all of that previously software rendered work was offloaded to the GPU.

Quad core makes a difference. So does hyperthreading—the audio, in particular, is offloaded onto the logical cores. A good GPU will make the difference between playing a medium quality and high quality, and impact your CPU load, which will impact your temperatures.

And, doing real-time work for a living, I can tell you that there is a very noticeable difference between 30fps and 60fps. The human eye can most definitely differentiate.