Showing Posts For Amplepiper.7580:
My god, people here can throw some impressive hissy fits.
Oh please, I’m willing to bet that few of the vocal complainers here consistently ran F/U. TA is farmed very intensively, but almost never that horrid path because it just isn’t worth it.
But it’s the principle right? They could have fixed it.
But they didn’t. Instead we get a new, challenging path, with potentially better rewards. And that is a far better deal. So suck it up. Must everything always be a plan to ruin the game?Pfsh, in a couple of days the drama is going to peter out and things will return to normal, as it always does. I’m even convinced it’ll become the favourite dungeon of at least a portion of the heavy complainers.
see this guy knows what I am talking about.
however I am really looking forward to there being new content and think others should be too. its one measly path for peat sake. Is all I am really saying.
I wasn’t talking about everyone who didn’t want to see it leave just some people who seriously need to calm down. I am sorry if I insulted you. I think its a good thing that they did something about it. something had to be done. I admit they could have made some people more happy if they had just fixed it though.
I’m sorry I just cant stop reading all these really disappointing comments. please just stop complaining and let the creators make their game even better. ok I’m sorry none of you have anything better to do but whine but some of us like when things change occasionally.
It was BROKEN people so they got rid of it. arena net is just responding to the probably thousands of players complaining about this obviously broken path. if you want a challenge run arah. F/U wasn’t a challenge anyway if you run it right the first time but it was broke so they fixed it by getting rid of it. I love this game except for all the whiners who play it. besides maybe this new path is the challenge you are looking for. I am looking forward to it and will definitely be on when it comes out.