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[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Amraz.1589


Focus: WvW
Style: Hardcore
VoIP: TeamSpeak
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Prime Time: 7:00pm – 1:00am EST

Guild Philosophy
For some, the overall enjoyment of the online gaming experience is amplified by the company they keep, to the point where it trumps the game’s content itself. Unlimited is dedicated to building a community around the quality of players we invite, rather than the need to be the most or best “anything”. That’s not to say that our practices do not include a competitive edge, on the contrary, Unlimited is called home by members with seasoned gaming backgrounds in organized PvP and PvE. However, skill can be taught, personality is harder to mold. Unlimited members are players who seek to explore the extent of their ability and perform beyond them. Steady progression and skill improvement are important, parallel to community relations. A well-defined direction and an organized leadership that utilizes community feedback pushes Unlimited forward. Unlimited is motivated by a natural drive that excels its members to top tiered achievement, rather than the “need” most hardcore guilds have. Before the game’s release, we claimed to see ourselves in the top tiered PvP ranks of Guild Wars 2. We are there.

Unlimited members are players who seek to explore the extent of their ability and perform beyond them. Steady progression and skill improvement are important, parallel to community relations. Being skillful at something should not be a license to put others down, rather to be a leader among peers to help steer them toward the same achievement you have reached.

Guild Expectations – Our full code of conduct can be found here. Some key points:
* Be active and participate
* Be mature, be friendly, remain open-minded, and excel in a progressive environment that aims for PvP excellence.
* Love the Challenge
* Value and respect fellow players – We want people who enjoy the company of others and consider “game friends” an important piece to their online gaming experience.
* Play within all ethical guidelines of gaming set forth by common sense and the Guild Wars 2 EULA

Breaking Borders – Server Unity
We are not “The stuck-up Elite”. Unlimited will strive to improve the gaming experience of its members as well as the overall server community. WvWvW offers a wonderful opportunity for guilds to combine their PvP efforts and we will take every moment we can to work on our relations with the server to ensure that we are all successful. Unlimited is often seen via map chat in WvW inviting anyone to take part in collaborative PvP.

NA-Based…But Not Just NA
Unlimited is an NA-based guild, but we are not home to just North Americans. Our doors have never been closed to those outside the North American region. Our intention is to expand our bracket of time with international players, and North American players who play during the set times that someone from the GMT time zones will be participating. To be very clear, this is not an international side to Unlimited. On the contrary we are looking to only continue to expand our horizons. The international population has and will continue to mesh just the same into our community, our family, as anyone from North America would. We are strongly opposed to segregation within our ranks, thus those who join us from across the seas will take up arms with us under one banner, “Unlimited”.

For The Capable…But Time Restricted
With our foundation set, Unlimited has expanded our recruitment focus so that we can invite additional members who are capable of standing at arms with us, but lack the time commitment that we expect from our core. Unlimited will not now, nor ever, compromise its intentions of quality of quantity, nor will we allow growth to the point of members becoming numbers. However, we do realize the potential for members with limited availability to become more available over time, and vice versa for our current members. We continue to closely monitor our numbers and group cohesiveness to ensure that members of this rank do not feel over-underwhelmed as they mix into the fine core we have.

Are you interested?
Take a look at us, join us on our forum/teakspeak and get to know us. Find out why Unlimited is not only a guild that will intrigue you and want to follow, but one that you’ll want to play with in Guild Wars 2.

Website: Unlimited – Home
Teamspeak 3:

Have questions?
Visit our website and ask away on our forum, hop into Teamspeak and meet members, or drop an email to our leaders:

You can also chat with leadership in-game:
GM: Amraz Xelzo
WvW Leader: Kaena Godsfire

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Amraz.1589)