Showing Posts For Anacrusis.6897:
Daphoenix, I’m using your basic build with a few improvements. First, instead of using water trait 5 I use 20% faster cantrip recharge. Here is why. Cantrips trigger our regen and vigor. The regen then triggers extra condition removal with trait 11. So yiu get double synergy out of that trait. In addition, I am able to maintain Constant regen and vigor without the boon duration armor runes. I am also able to maintain constant fury and might without the armor rune. And sometimes or almost constant swiftness.
the boon duration armor rune is not needed at all. You can just eat some cheap food to give you 14% more if yiu feel its needed I am using undead runes instead for extra condition dmg. My crit rate is 56% with fury so I do alot more dps without sacrificing survivability. I use alot of knights gear to achieve this. I am putting out some serious dps. My vitality is only 1424 but with the high toughness and super healing I don’t even notice. I also use ether renewal heal sometimes for extra condition removal (which is why yiu need vitality.).
if you choose the water trait “cantrips recharge 20% faster” and use the mist form utility. the mouse over tool tip shows 60 seconds, which is what it should be. However, when you cast it starts counting down from 75. The other utilities I use armor of earth and cleansing fire get the shorter cooldown from the trait and work fine. This just started happening after the patch. I am not getting the shorter coooldown on mist form. Please fix this asap! Thanks.