Showing Posts For Ancalagon.2953:

GUILD Chat Boken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Since the patch loaded, everything apart from this works for me. I can use, party, say and team chats but the guild chat prompt is broken. I can see and whisper to my fellow guildies but i cant use guild chat. When I try it gives me the message “You are not in a guild”. As it turns out, this is a problem for all my guildies. Please fix this

HoT Expansion WvW, Where are the Testers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


I have been playing GW2 for almost 2 years, especially the WvW game mode and going by the information I have seen today during the stream, I cant believe that a single WvW tester didn’t red flag the content shown, during alpha, let alone beta stage of testing.

Large, open field zergplay was the one unique thing about wvw, open spaces to move around and engage multiple foes without the EoTM cannons or broken PvE bosses everywhere, as well as a place for roamers to fight without pve mobs every 2 minutes. Now, we have a Skyhammer we need to collect orbs for in order to charge, every 3 hours by killing PvE mobs, broken force fields that bounce back siege shots rendering catas and trebs useless and many EoTM like spots that knock people of with wind and other things.

The EoTM map that was introduced was, in my opinion, a disaster turned Ktrain that no self respecting WvW player enjoyed. Even now, it remains a Ktain map that guilds only go to when regular WvW is quiet to farm linen from players.

It makes me sad that this is the direction WvW is going in. I know that many of the current WvW players of the game feel as i do and WvW testers would not allow this mode to go through alpha without major changes or objections so my question remains, Where were the WvW testers when this mode was in development?

(edited by Ancalagon.2953)

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Just a few min ago, it started for me as well, I had small problems before but right now its amazing. It starts with 2-3 seconds of lag, followed by at least 3-4 dc’s. I restarted the PC, client and router and nothing. This for me is making wvw unplayable and that is something i cant let go of. Please fix the latency issues already, there are posts going back a month now and no notable changes.

Location: London

Time: 8-9 pm EST, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday

World: Northern Shiverpeaks NA

Description: 2-3 seconds of skill lag followed by consecutive dc’s in wvw during prime time. I’m on a 50 meg connection and even when i run the game on absolute lowest , ( i usually run medium-high settings) it still crashes with not a single second of difference.

I cant speak for the rest of the EU players but what I want for Christmas this year is not Wintersday, Its to not DC in wvw during reset every week.


(edited by Ancalagon.2953)

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Location: London
Time and Date: NA Prime Time 6-9 pm EST
Server: NSP
I get lag spikes of up to 6 seconds every 2 min. This happens in both pve, pvp and wvw. Also, i get huge loading screens, up to 3 min to load Lions Arch during the worst times and around 50 seconds to load pvp maps. This started around 3 weeks ago. Early times are okish but when it even approaches prime time 3-4 hours prior, the lag spikes start.

I have re installed the game twice and the problem still persists.

Bugged achievements Hidden Arcana

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


I tried a few methods including hitting the boss. The second boss with the colour attunements, I took 50% of his health and still no achievement. For the boss that needs to be brought down to 0 from 75%, i hit multiple adds with the fragile buff. This is the sixth time that I replayed the content with the same result, each time trying something different and each time the achievement not being given after the boos was compelted, while the buff remains on the bar.

Bugged achievements Hidden Arcana

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Ok, so I ran this multiple times and apparently, i cant get the achievements. What happens is that after the strength facet, the rest don’t register as completed, no matter what i try. The buff stays on my bar. I have tried it in both my instance and on other peoples. Please fix this <3


(Code=7:11:3:191:101) Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


For the last 3 days, I have been experiencing this problem. My home server is NSP and every time i try to log into SoR BL from pve or anywhere else, it puts me back to the loading screen and giving me the Code=7:11:3:191:101 problem. I can go into every other map in wvw including Edge of the Mists but not SoR BL. I seem to be the only person in my guild experiencing this problem and its making gaming in wvw kind of hard. This also happened yesterday in pvp in the Battle of Kyhlo map. It wouldn’t load me into the map and it DC’d me back to the character selection screen. Please fix this.


Connection Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Ok, the guild thing is fixed and i can join parties as well but i keep DC’ing every 5 min from the game. I have 45fps and a 60 meg fiber optic connection so i dont understand why. Please advise

OMG not again! Guild, Contacts &LFG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


same problem in NSP server. everyone else in US seems unaffected tho. Only the eu members logging in

Connection Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ancalagon.2953


Hello, Today 09/10/2013 at 9.00 am Uk Time I logged into the game and found myself the only person in my guild. I could see all other guild tabs except my guild roster. Also, when I opened up lfg tab it gave me a network error. I spoke with at least 3 different members of my guild in private chat that have different ip providers and they all told me they had the same problem. I also keep DC’ing every 7-10 min. I restarted my router twice and my pc 3 times and the problem still persists. Please advise