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Farming Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AncientAstronaut.7602


Hello Guild Wars 2 Developers,
I just wanted to inform you of a major farming bug. When in a zerg (group of people) and doing quests of mob slaying, when magic class players rain fireballs down from the sky it completely eliminates all drops for physical attack players such as warriors or others that use a sword or other weapons of physical melee contact.

Now when their are no magic class players in a zerg, the drops are great for people who use physical attack as main source of damage dealing. But as soon as 1 magic class player joins the group and spams magic the drops stop instantly…

There are becoming more and more magic class players (elementalist) in every group event now, meaning physical attack players are nolonger getting any drops at all. This is very frustrating because you cannot find a group event these days that does not have a magic class player spamming fireballs in it. So it is basically eliminating farming/grinding for all players who use non-magic skills…

And yes I do have a lot of magic find about 150mf…i only get drops when there is no one spamming fireballs all over the screen….Once they start spamming say good bye to the drops. I have confirmed this with other players who during the plinx event are frustrated because usually they get tons of drops but when the mage comes in, we all get nothing, i am wondering if these mages get entirely all the drops from every single mob since nothing drops on my screen for me or for the rest of the physical attack players in the group .

Please look into this.

Thank You

Jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds.

in WvW

Posted by: AncientAstronaut.7602


Surely what is dumb is expecting people not to PvP in a PvP zone…

Because they sit there camping that area all day in large groups, making it impossible for other people to do the puzzles..if your blind to that then you need to get your eyes checked and buy some prescription glasses or contact lenses…

Jumping Puzzles

in WvW

Posted by: AncientAstronaut.7602


Did you know theres a mystic well in the EB Jump Puzzle.

Makes you stealth for 5 min. And theres more then one through out the jump puzzle.

It dosent last long enough, i turned invisable but then it ran out…

Jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds.

in WvW

Posted by: AncientAstronaut.7602


I agree with you and just left a post about this very thing, being attacked while trying to complete these jumping puzzles is just plain dumb. It really makes me want to throw my expensive pc out the window. Its dumb that there are hoards of people guarding the jumping puzzle areas so they are the only ones allowed to get the badges of honor and no one else…
Someone really needs to update this aspect of the game, and not those other meaningless updates like the one in cursed shore with temple of Greneth the shades new gravity move that picks you up and kills you in 1 shot…

I would rather much of liked them to look into the jumping puzzle thing, cause the mobs of players hoarding and protecting the puzzle zone for their sole use is just dumb….THESE jumping puzzle zones within the PVP zone should be made non-PVP…..

Jumping Puzzles

in WvW

Posted by: AncientAstronaut.7602


I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble with the jumping puzzles in the WvW areas due to being attacked and killed while trying to complete them? It is starting to be very frustrating to get try to get 500 badges of honor when you are player killed/pked everytime you try to do a jumping puzzle.

I was wondering if others agree? why cant people just come to an agreement not to attack each other in these areas?

Its really becoming frustrating, i think it would be a better idea if these secret jumping puzzle areas within the pvp zone were made into a friendly non-pvp area so you could not attack people while they are completing them.

What do you guys think? I hope the developers look into this…and please don’t respond with troll comments about “QQing”