Showing Posts For Andrempdias.5268:

Can't buy fractal keys in bulk anymore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Like the title says, you now have to buy fractal inscription keys one by one, no more option to buy 5 at a time. Considering I buy 60 daily it’s a lot of annoying clicking, especially because you still have to confirm and can’t just spam click

Mobile authenticator, same number diff phone

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Hi, my friend lost their phone recently and got another one with the same number, is it possible to get the same authenticator settings in any way or will they have to write a support ticket? (those were kinda late last time i checked, over a week).
Thank you in advance

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


1358494 – fixed

(edited by Andrempdias.5268)

LFG bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Finally a confirmation that they are atleast trying to do something about it, it’s something, thank you Gaile!

LFG bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


The worst part of this?

You go to click on the party you want to join and end up joining a different party instead because it refreshed mid click, you leave party and try again, keep trying that a few times and now you’re locked out of joining new parties.

Now you’re stuck on a SW map that doesn’t even have enough people to hold one fort and hasn’t made any progress in 20 minutes.

You just log out and consider uninstalling the game at that point.

I had this issue, logging out (not character select), and logging back in usually fixed it. However I don’t expect a patch on the weekend since this isn’t something that people can make a profit of.

LFG bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Best part is, if you try to join several times because of the refresh spam, it counts as joining and leaving a group, I’ve been supressed twice in the last 10 minutes without joining a party

Error connecting to server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


fixed, nevermind i guess.

Lost instances because of server crashes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Hello, I’m not too sure where to post this, this seems the most appropriate forum. So we all know since a few months past the servers have been constantly acting up, lag spikes, mass disconnecting, you name it.

[Rant] I have endured lag spikes during “complicated” bosses, that have caused wipes, such as lupi, mai trin, magecrusher, where I just sit there waiting to see if I died or not when the game resumes. I have not ever ranted on forums about this because let’s face it, the ranting is already too kitten high. Today it’s reached a whole new level of annoying, I disconnected THREE times during loading screen, and TWO of those three times I actually lost instances. One was CM p2, who cares. But now lost a fractal 50 while loading the 3rd map because of that, because enduring the bugs that can happen on fractals is not bad enough. I don’t care about Living Story, I don’t care about recycled Festive content, hell, I’m sure no one wants any content if it means the servers are gonna keep being as messed up as they are right now! [/rant]

OK, constructive criticism now:
- DC’s have been ocurring every now and then since megaserver.
- From what I’ve gathered from friends and reddit it SOMETIMES only affects certain ISP’s
- Mostly occurs at night time, there was a time it was mostly noticeable during Tequatl spawns
- During the loading screen DC’s mapmodelcompletion and maploadcompletion didnt move from 0% (I use maploadinfo) and then gave an error “Network error. The inability to connect to Guild Wars 2 may be caused by Internet routing issues or a server network failure. (…) (Code = 5:11:3:159:101).”
- When we logged back in it said the instance was full, we kicked a member to try and get in and the instance broke (shouldn’t matter now, but he wasn’t the one who created the instance).
- Update: Happened again, both times in the molten facility fractal, after finishing and loading the next map, might be the molten map or the map that comes next

(edited by Andrempdias.5268)

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


719879 – Sent regarding a possible exploit, answered back few hours later telling me to forward it to and has been 3 days since

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


You do understand the casual playerbase actually paid for the majority of the game right? The elitists are a small, although vocal, portion of the gaming community. Without the casual “noobs” things like Tequatl wouldn’t even exist.

You paid for the game, you have every right to play how you want, that’s fine, but don’t go and tell me it’s because of people who have no idea what they’re doing that Tequatl gets done, most of the time you just kitten things up by taking turrets or afking. Regardless of that, good luck getting any tequatls done now.
(He who says tequatl also says wurm)

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


The change for mega-bosses will not work, and this is why I feel this way:

1. It can potentially force a rep requirement for these raid guilds due to how expensive it will be to unlock the world event unlock. Furthermore, this is EXTREMELY damaging to TTS which ranges across multiple guilds. They would likely need to unlock the trigger on multiple guilds to maximize the number of leaders who can actually trigger the events. This would take an incredibly long time.

2. We can’t even instance our raids anymore. There is a very good reason we do this: randoms have proven on multiple occasions that they have no intention of following directions, refuse to come onto a public Teamspeak server to listen to the instructions given, and get in the way of other guild members who might want to do the content as well. The reason TTS and the like uses overflows and dead server maps to do this content is to maximize guild participation and minimize randoms who might cause problems and fail the run. But the megaserver system is completely obliterating our ability to do this.

These new features will actually be detrimental to the guilds they are trying to support. They need to be changed and fast. And also, this needs to be addressed too:

THESE RAIDS NEED TO BE INSTANCED. The organization required is too much to expect a group full of randoms not communicating to be able to accomplish them.

What is desperately needed at this point is a guild map, which would allow the mega-guilds to create private maps to perform these events. the only difference between that map and the public maps are that you would need to enter a password to be allowed in. This is so to not affect multi-guild guilds like TTS and also to allow randoms in when the guild decides to allow it (anyone can enter so long as they know the password). The guild map would need to be purchased outside of the guild menu (again, because making it influence and merit based would be extremely kitten raid guilds who typically don’t do guild missions and potentially force a rep requirement).

Yes yes yes, the core problem here is, specialized “super mega hyper hardcore events thingy” guilds often don’t require full time rep AND are formed by several guilds, TxS has 4, TTS has an insane number, I have no clue about the other teams so I can’t speak about that, but they’ll have the same problem.

I very much agree with an option like a “guild map” from the gem store or something and the ability to research the boss spawn upgrade without having guild challenges

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


To be fully honest, i dislike this more than I like it, the only thing I like about it is that low populated maps will get more people now.

Now, onwards to the criticism:
- Guild missions: Say we pull 80 people to guild missions, it will take ages to port everyone into the same map

- Guild bosses activation: It’s a neat idea, kind of like guild bounty I guess, but you forget a few organized guilds for “Hard-Core, Mega-Organized Events” don’t have guild challenges unlocked, or ever will have because they have members from several servers and don’t require you to fully represent except during events. So yeah, this update will pretty much just be death to those guilds.

Overall: 1/10, I can do now low level hearts with more people instead of killing wurm and tequatl, yay.

New Great Jungle Wurm 2nd phase bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Suprise suprise, stood in overflow for 1h30 after the bug, no one did a thing, had to move to take care of other issues, wasted time

New Great Jungle Wurm 2nd phase bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


We were killing the boss normally on the last minute given and Amber and Crimson wurms were dead, Cobalt died shortly after with the timer 0:00 (I saw the hp of all heads reset), and the event ended as a failure. The problem is the second phase didn’t start and we all got the “Wurm’s Golden Chest” and the “Triple Trouble” meta balloon in the top right corner of the screen has no text.

Edit: This happened on overflow, can be seen on map but meh


(edited by Andrempdias.5268)

Guild bounty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Before anyone says to report ingame, I have already filed a report both yesterday and today regarding bounty being bugged.

What happened both days was upon starting the bounty, the targets couldn’t be “activated”. And also when the timer ran out we wouldn’t get a “guild bounty failed” message
Yesterday’s targets were Bookworm Bwikki and Short-Fuse Felix, today’s were Devious Tessa and Bookworm Bwikki.
One of our captains said his friend could start in his guild so I’m not sure if it’s something wrong with us, our guild is War Gods of Tyria [GOD] in Underworld server.

If this feature is simply bugged please just deactivate it, we are a medium guild with not much activity and it’s hard to have a minimum attendance for a t1 bounty, and with it bugging it just makes our members lose motivation to attend again.
This has happened twice now, giving us atleast the merits would be good enough compensation but who am I kidding… Just fix this

(edited by Andrempdias.5268)

LFG tool bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrempdias.5268


Actually, the only one who has to leave is the first one to post lfg (so dungeon hosts shouldn’t post), atleast I’m always the one posting and only I have to leave