Commander Valcorain
What is Broken Can be Reforged.
Strong tight knit community please Join us to rebuild the Kain we once lost.
Reminder: Do keep the chat clean and healthy, We are going to spend another 3 more week with each other since there not going to be any changes in the matches up anytime soon.
I like how Kain fights on or off the field if one gets into trouble 3 others come to the rescue.
Rescue from what exactly? Someone QQing on the forums over getting beat in some wvw fights? Nah that’s just me saying my opinion in a matter I find hilarious. And as for kaineng people helping each other at some point in wvw, oh perish the thought! Someone looks in trouble and you help them??? What sort of illogical nonsense is this? Personally I just walk past people who need help in wvw cause pff lol it’s not like we’re on the same team.
But! but but! I helped and rescue you before
Lol found the kitten guild today in ARBL Good job 1v2ing and thinking your so much better.. Kaineng guild OBEY
lol. Doesn’t take much to get you whining on the forums. For the record, I was 1v3 against you and your back up squad who were ready to res you the moment you go down. That’s how wvw goes, happens everyday, so just deal with it.
We just cappin your ruins, taking a break from playing for ppt. Also notice you waypoint pretty quick from garrison after you die and head straight back to estate to try to kill me for revenge (many easy lootbags delivered straight from garri to me tyvm). I don’t have to take your constant requests to join my party chat to know that you are quite upset, so I’d just rub it in a bit more with some sexy emotes. Sorry, I don’t care for your feelings, you are just an anonymous angry player to me with a red enemy tag. Btw, who are you posting that sob story for? No one cares, mate.
Did not know I posted a sob story dam…. GG I guess…. But just posting what I saw, two guild members who killed 1 player and /sit on him to show that he sucked..
And never had a 1v3 with the warrior or thief… I had a lvl 6 ranger following me just started this morning it seemed knew nothing of the game. Most 1v1 I had with the warrior I won anyway didn’t show any sign of disrespect either. But I guess everyone is different.
P.S. the one fight on ruins with 5 people total it was me a AR charr guardian the warrior and thief and a SF asura.
Bro its just a game, its wvw. No point raging and arguing about it here, we had many of your kind of people in forums, just chill and think back what you could have done in that fight and why you died over and over again?
3 words coming to you
“FIX your Build!”
It means your character build is so wrong that one of my server buddies could 1v3 you guys. Even in Zerg fight when you guys have greater number and we all laughing while wiping you guys out, cause you are so SQUISHY. While most of the time, we assume you guys would be saying “OMG WE FEEL LIKE WE GOT HIT BY A TRUCK”. like Duh! PVT gear!
kain…you can take your garrison, hills, and bay…but you can never take our freeeeeeeeeedooooooooooom!!!!!
really fun fights tonight
Here have my Banana!
Another week with each other again! Yay! Lets keep that love going around
Good Fight at Bay Kaineng ICED guild, good try. Don’t be offended we played the Tabs song for you to show respect. At least you try and try again
For AR: WAR – MERC is recruiting WvW adult players. We are one of AR’s oldest and best know guilds (for good or bad). Adults only in WAR and we require full time account rep with ALL characters. MERC is WAR’s part time auxillary for WvW players from other PvE guilds who want to run strong in WvW.
WAR – MERC hosts the server Teamspeak (300 slots), and ALL guilds are provided private channels. Multiple Commander channels, organized assaults across BL’s.
If you do NOT have a guild, whisper Commander Buffalo/Battlemaster of War in game and join today. We NEED you in WvW…
WAR – MERC will be running in WvW all weekend… One team, one fight.
Don’t forget a large dose of drama… for someone talking about server unity all the time you sure have a funny way of showing it lol.
Server unity? that picture sound like a hostile take over by the bandwagoner’s
We were fighting [STAR] from sf in garri why would you think its a brilliant idea to use a treb at that time.
put one there and see where it can hit lol
try it before you slam it
You got the tower behind you? you could have siege up with ac and treb, it would have impact that situation more into your favor then putting it on the open field. This is a free tips.
We were fighting [STAR] from sf in garri why would you think its a brilliant idea to use a treb at that time.
Anvil game up yo! this is a newbie mistakes…
Kaineng! our server just start snowballing becoming stable since mass exodus!, Our only challenge is to keep pushing and not fall to last place. We have a tight knit community now and its always a challenge for every reset as we are always outnumber and still manage to push forward.
I’m King SMC is mine
When are you guys going to get back my house? SMC?
Go Kaineng!
Fun Fight at SMC just now loving those golem you brought in for us to kill FC
I have this opinion on WvWvW for a while, since many player have been complaining about how skill is unbalance or stuff like that due to duration of stun/fear/immobilize and I’m assuming you guys have never played mobile games such as Dota or League, as tittle say, most of the time when you play WvWvW its similiar to Dota/League feature as most MOBA game player would know that the ability to permanent stun the other team or immobilize is the only way to achieve ownange especially in team fight when you can lock their team in a spot and just DPS them down as quickly as possible to achieve a wipe. Its all about the strategy of MOBA games trying to lock team and fight them in that way with the right item sets in this which case your gear. Just my point of view.
Its not easy to rebuild a community from scratch. Kain player know this truth, the endurance and patience to stay in a server and keep building that morale. But in all we would still try our best to push that morale so we would not disappoint other server when come to WvW. Its all about fun after all you wont want to play a wvw where one server is not fighting back at all.
Stay out of Kaineng borderlands, we kill on sight
Yes, I just felt like making this because there has been a lot of squabbling going on on our server right now over who should be commanding. Lately we’ve had 2 commanders at almost all times and a few times recently even 3. It’s frustrating because it divides the group but like you and I have both said, people generally seem to understand it’s bad. So hopefully this whole weird fad of multiple pins that has been going on dies out, lol.
Umm you should have at least 2 at all times on every map…And sometimes 3…Running around in one big blob (as opposed to 2-3 medium ones) is a poor tactic that can leave you vulnerable if you ever come across a server with decent communication.
True, but 65% of the time server that runs WvW are Pugs without a decent communication sadly.
Anvil Rock = Bottom Rock
You mean you want more of this in the thread? O.o
If i remember spartan fight with less people, not with an entire outmaned you zerg, Beside when people keep referring them as GOM, the only image i can picture is this model of Gundam.
Sound to me that SF has internal committee problem when one person contradicts the other guy opinion on things. Well anyways I do agree when you have number during NA time and we don’t. But if you guys has the slightest thoughts that Kaineng is weak during NA time your deadly wrong sir. They might not have number to counter your ridiculous organize “bigger” zerg but at least they have spirit of willing to not give up or fight among each other even if we fail, instead we try to boost that morale even among pug’s and try our very best to teach them.
Remember you were once pug’s before deciding to Join up or form an organize group. All I know SF from all the message you have post here. You guys are not a friendly bunch, instead all you try to bash each other or other server when you have the chance to do so.
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Thank! SF and AR for you keep’s tonight needed them for the achievement. Sorry we had to bring down that way point, but you have the gold to transfer people, so i think you guys wont mind spending another few gold to upgraded it again like SMC.
But trying out my PTH for my warrior, seem to work better then PTV any suggestion?
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.So your saying that Oceanic time your the weakest? thank for the tip
Yeah man, come join us, we literally have no one. We’d be Silver-tier if we had night coverage, its really our non-NA times that make us bronze.
We would love too, but our guild just love kaineng communitee too much to leave
its our home for life
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.
So your saying that Oceanic time your the weakest? thank for the tip
So much kitten people in here XD
Keep it coming! Props to [EDGE] [WZ] and [FISH] for the fun fights.
Just one piece of criticism. [WZ] is squuuuuuuishy.
Not to mention all those up-levels.
Hope you guys clearly see that Kain is doing their best to fight, even without Number we are pushing you guys. Even after losing all those Guilds and People we have in our server because of the transfer. We still will stand our ground and fight back. We wont be easy push over, we would fight to give you that Fun factor and wont disappoint server that we fight.
Dear Kaineng,
For the last time, you ARE allowed to attack HoD, and not just if they have SMC. A few of you do fight HoD but you’ve taken about 20x more FC towers than HoD’s. We have a hard enough time pushing HoD’s #s without you as a constant thorn in our side.
Dear Fc,
Gentlemen, its is the right of men to hit who and when we want. Stop crying over it.
PS, HoD and Kain has been fighting for over 3 weeks, since before reset. HoD/Kain/Devona, HoD/Kain/EB and now HoD/Kain/Fc. I think is fair we share this Joy with FC now
Sincerely Kaineng.
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I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.
First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.
I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.
Welcome to the Bronze League where every server has their reason for being down here and not up there!
Remember to read the siege before putting them down, dropping rams on wall and behind keep lord won’t help you. Remember read the siege weopen as your hover over them “RAMS don’t work on Walls” and “Trebs don’t work well close range”.
And there 2 types of Golem, Alpha and Omega… they have different way to destroy wall and gates.
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Queue? What queue you guys talking about? We have no queue in kaineng. Now I shall laugh at those people who abandon us and went to higher tier server.
It was the same usual day at divinity reach as people are chattering in the market place, with party and booze serve in Andrew tavern. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual. A young boy running toward the busy crowd hearing news of the young hero return, commander Coolet. In this young boy eye this man was an icon, a mentor. Valcorain standing from behind the crowd cheering with two of his sister, the returning hero with joy and happiness not knowing the destiny that awaits him.
Good Fight HoD really enjoy the challenge, we hope to see more in this coming week
Good Fight at Hills HoD keep it up!
You know what, I’m tired of hearing this. So if NSP is too chicken to go to silver, Kain just need to stand up and go to Silver like a man would. So what! we are used to being kick in our kitten as kaineng. Like Rocky would say: “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Its a very mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, It’s all about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward and that how winning is done!”
Trust me, all those guild that left their just leaving cause they can’t handle the hitting.
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I have to agree that! The Fight at Kain Keep in EB was a good fight! We are not going to let it be a simple push over, keep looking forward for kaineng fighting back
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Well guys good luck! Reminder Kaineng not dead!
Alright guys! Kaineng not dead! great fight ahead!
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Kaineng can you like..stop tanking lol.
Sorry bro but seem like you have to deal with it :P
Don’t worry guys! Kaineng won’t disappoint you guys we are working hard in rebuilding our community especially WvWvW community
We Are Not dead yet! For FRODO!
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good luck Yak Bend’s All the best in the silver league
I know its too late, but
Outmanned Buff! No Repairs! Time to go Zerg Surfing.
Did’t know that Maguuma was so rich with gold to spend all those Omega Golem.
My Mini WatchKnight is missing please Help
There 2 choices in this matter, first is to get to know the server community whether the server has a helpful community to transfer a player or not. The other choice is to find a guild that willing to transfer you over to have more guild member for their own. If you are not willing to pay to transfer
A child voice in the night, a whisper in the dark.
Homeserver: Kaineng (NA server)
Type: PvX
Nation: International (focus on Southeast Asia)
send in-game mail to
for my details:
whisper me
Brief Introduction:
We are one of Kaineng Alliance Oceanic Guilds, we welcome you to the brotherhood of the night. Main focus of PvX, we do WvW, Daily Dungeon runs, with active commander. Working on helping our server community to grow as one.
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