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Pet stow away doesn't work

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Posted by: Andrina.1902


Well, I prefer ranger. And I want to decide myself if I go beastmaster or not. He draws enemies in an inappropriate situation and it’s really not what I want.

Yea, now they changed something. Now I have to 60 seconds until I can switch him out again after the first one died.

I’ll try the bear. I also made a Thief. But my ranger is my favorite. ANet, please change it. I want to decide myself.

Pet stow away doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrina.1902


I want the bows and range. I’ve always been a ranger fan but I want to decide if I go beastmastery or not. I don’t like how I cannot decide this in GW2 anymore.

Pet stow away doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrina.1902


Exactly. But I don’t want that. Because the pet dies too much and I just want him gone. It annoys me and my team players to keep reviving the pet. In GW1 you could choose if you wanted the pet out or not and a ranger was just fine without one.

Pet stow away doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrina.1902


When I stow away my pet, it comes back as soon as I attack. Sometimes I find it inappropriate for the pet to be out and I want him gone so I don’t have to heal him all the time. I hope that’s going to be changed.