Showing Posts For Androuw.1702:
Hi guys,
I’m from Insidious Blink [iNk] on Gunnar’s Hold.
We’re an WvW and GvG oriented guild and i want to share you my video if you’re interested.
(Sorry I did not find the forum section where to put my post. We are not trying to recruit)
Last video i’ve made is here:
Guardian PoV, 10-13 players raid on EotM (we used to run 22-26 from sunday to thursday, friday is a “breaking day” ^^).
Hamish I understand your point of view but I invite you to watch the rest of the video before that I hit 1k. The beginning of the video is a bit ridiculous because there are few enemies.
Guard useless ? lol
(edited by Androuw.1702)