Showing Posts For Andy.3950:

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


Change it back and stop wasting Dev time on things like this.

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


Considering 90% of the forum complaining came from about 10% of the actual game population. I’d say they’re doing alright.

Gotta love when people just make up stats out of thin air…

Sure, the stat is pretty made up, but in general, a vast majority of a game population doesn’t bother visiting forums in the end. It’s the exact reason why information will be found across multiple sources, as some people will prefer other venues than others. Most will never bother visiting an official forum, instead opting for other sites.

Got any stats to back that up?

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


This all comes down to added stats.. however small its still there,
Tobias Trueflight.8350
I beg you to indulge a question. These two items might possibly exist, so you tell me which is better.
+61 Power
+44 Precison
+3% Critical Damage
+44 Power
+61 Precision
+44 Condition Damage.
Take your time.

This post Tobias, explain this post.

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


You make multiple posts arguing with peoples valid concerns and then you post this.
You didn’t even remotely know what you was talking about and then you had the arrogance to type “Take your time”.
Was it Troll gone wrong or something?

I argue because I don’t agree with them, not because I want to troll. I genuinely do not agree with their assessment, ankittenrying to figure out why they’re coming to this conclusion.

That wasn’t precisely “arrogance”, because the first time I saw the two sets of stats I wound up weighing it for a while in my head before making a decision. I probably made the wrong one, too.

To reiterate my position:
From what little I have seen of the Ascended items, I believe the statistical advantage is less important than people are making it out to be. Especially in WvWvW, where . . . and this was drummed into me through several actual attempts . . . you do not attempt to take someone 1v1. Comparing things 1v1 is not a good metric to use, because people generally don’t fight that way if it can be helped.
The problem with people barring people without “good gear” from participating in their groups is not solely because the Ascended items exist, because it was going on beforehand. It is a social problem with how people reason, fueled by the concept that having the top tier gear means you know what you’re doing or are exceedingly powerful. This is a mistaken assumption to make, a statement I will make without qualifier; all that gear means nothing if they turn out not to know what they’re doing.

I am holding to this discussion and not shutting up only because I really need to understand . . . why I should feel dirty for playing this game and enjoying the time I play? Why should the guilt rear up and smack me around because I actually take part in events and such with sub-par equipment? Why should we be calling for a blood price from ArenaNet?

Do you even know what you are talking about now?
Explain that post and what you think you posted.

(edited by Andy.3950)

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


This all comes down to added stats.. however small its still there,

I beg you to indulge a question. These two items might possibly exist, so you tell me which is better.

+61 Power
+44 Precison
+3% Critical Damage


+44 Power
+61 Precision
+44 Condition Damage.

Take your time.

You make multiple posts arguing with peoples valid concerns and then you post this.
You didn’t even remotely know what you was talking about and then you had the arrogance to type “Take your time”.
Was it Troll gone wrong or something?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


Its just a mess, a complete and utter mess.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


Why have such a messy tier tree?
Basic, Fine, Masterwork, Rare, Exotic, Legendary for both weapons and armour would have been fine.
Legendary being changed to have slightly better stats like you said you are gonna do.
Now you are adding some weird gear gate, that overlaps with legendary.
Just drop the infusion idea all together, its terrible idea and just add the dungeon as more content.
The people who wanted more gear grind, can go away and start grinding their legendary armour, thats alot of pieces to grind for, should keep them amused for year or so, make it brutally difficult to get.
You can even make the excuse you arnt breaking your manifesto, because you always planned to have legendary armour.
Dont understand how you came up with this, its just a mess, calm down, breath, take a step back and let things settle.
After this content update, start moving people over to bug fixing and everything will be fine.

(edited by Andy.3950)