Showing Posts For Angeliqa.9451:

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angeliqa.9451


No thanks to increased stats on a new tier of gear.

I dont post often on forums, but in this case I felt I had to add my no vote.

Add infusion slots to all current equipment instead, and make the item to go in there the only rewards (outside of new looks) from the new end-game dungeons. Also make sure that the infusion bonuses arent applicable outside of the relevant dungeons.

If stats on ascended gear is even 1 point better then exotics and applied outside said dungeon(s), it will become a sort of de facto necessity for anyone who wants to participate in competitive/serious WvWvW, and that is not a very good move.

Final disclaimer though: It hasnt been mentioned, to the best of my knowledge, if these items stats will be downscaled to exotic level or not. Before I know that my no vote remains, but only as a cursory no vote. If the stats will in fact be downscaled to exotic level outside of the dungeon, I no longer have a problem with ascended gear and their improved stats.