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Why so many changes to everything BUT wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


Do you actually have any kind of proof about this or are you only assuming stuff?
It is highly likely that the maps have been worked on for MONTHS before release.
It is also quite unfair to compare something that is not competitive and therefore don’t need exact balance to something that is based around PvP.

This was ment to be a serious conversation. Fantrolls please. Atleast try stay on level of reality in self-denial and stop attacking everyone criticising Anet.

Why so many changes to everything BUT wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


Wait what, so new minor WvW content and changes takes 3-6 months to make and balance while there is PvE patch every 2 weeks with new maps, recepies, features, items, npcs and 100 other things. Im not really into dev hating but just how stupid do you think we are? Atleast be honest and say you dont create content for WvW because you dont get revenues from this.

Please stop with this “every 2 weeks” nonsense. ANet has already said.. they have FOUR TEAMS working on the LS updates, each team taking 1-2 months for all of their content. IE the team that just put out the last update has been working on it since early June. It does not take 2 weeks to develop, test and polish any of the PvE updates. It’s a 4 team, rotation based update schedule.

Yes, so they have like 30 ppl working on PvE content and maybe 2-3 parttime on WvW. This is pretty much the problem.

Why so many changes to everything BUT wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


New maps take a long time to be built. And even once they are built it takes a long time to get them tested until they are ready to be released. Rest assured, as soon as we can release new maps, we will. And, while it isn’t an entirely new map, you can look forward to some changes to the borderlands soon. Let’s just say you should get your krait killing in now.

Wait what, so new minor WvW content and changes takes 3-6 months to make and balance while there is PvE patch every 2 weeks with new maps, recepies, features, items, npcs and 100 other things. Im not really into dev hating but just how stupid do you think we are? Atleast be honest and say you dont create content for WvW because you dont get revenues from this.

[09.08] RoF/Arborstone/Dzagonur

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angu.3021


Dear Rof players : Please dont run away when u see 2 enemies .. we dont bite.

And dont run into ur tower and fire with AC… we were 2 !! on thr tower min 5 Rof players… common a lil bit more Fights

HF and killing some npc in the night , because Dzag is sleeping

Yes DZ zerg size during day/evening is quite impressive.. but maybe you want to use it on something else then capping one camp with 50 ppl and then running/teleporting back to own corner when against 20 RoF defenders. It happened like 20 times in row at EB and makes you look pretty bad every time. Atleast pretend you are going for a tower

If the ZErg needs sups why should they leave (30) behind in Front of the camp ? Especially after the Reset sups are rare and you need to take supply camps with your zerg to be able to build siege (offence and defence). So defending a Sup camp with 20 on Reset Evening isnt the most clever thing to do.

The funny thing is not that they hit enemy camps to gain supply. It is that Dz had a massive advantage in numbers and best thing they got done was a get a lousy supply camp flip.

[09.08] RoF/Arborstone/Dzagonur

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angu.3021


Dear Rof players : Please dont run away when u see 2 enemies .. we dont bite.

And dont run into ur tower and fire with AC… we were 2 !! on thr tower min 5 Rof players… common a lil bit more Fights

HF and killing some npc in the night , because Dzag is sleeping

Yes DZ zerg size during day/evening is quite impressive.. but maybe you want to use it on something else then capping one camp with 50 ppl and then running/teleporting back to own corner when against 20 RoF defenders. It happened like 20 times in row at EB and makes you look pretty bad every time. Atleast pretend you are going for a tower

For how many more years will we play at15fps?

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


A complex and innovative combat system comes with a price; that is client and server lag at massive pvp fights. If GW2 combat system was dumbed down to a level of average MMO it sure would run 10 times better.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


Its all part of pay to win mechanics. Anet gonna make cash somehow. And guilds are not moving because of cash nor because they lack server loyality or anything like that. They simply move because they want good WvW experience instead of kitten WvW experience that low tier servers have.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


Thanks for anet for awesome matchmaking tune. You not only destroyed WvW but also our server. 2 months a go when you played at primetime eternal was full quite often in our server and sometimes even our bl. Nowdays when you log in at primetime we got the outmanned buff. Since the tune 3 of biggest WvW guilds in our server migrated/disbanded and pretty much all regular commanders and seasoned WvW players stopped playing.

And you cant blame them, who would enjoy playing all day against 2:1, 5:1 or even 10:1 numbers. Ok the numbers are not always that bad, but the weakest server in matchup will always get spotted out and farmed by strongest or both because its the best way to gain ground/points. And worst part is the chat. Our server always was bit low on players so losing at score is nothing new. However atleast back then we could fight servers within our tier and actually get some good/fun WvW. Now we have no chanse to do anything and that leads to the chat blaming/complaining game and everyone is generally insulting anyone else trying to speak.

Anyway didnt mean to start writing walls of text, just came to thank anet for killing my only reason to play this game and say bye.