Showing Posts For Animosity.5972:

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: Animosity.5972


1. have default placeholder / texture / whatever already loaded in memory to be rendered at a moment’s notice

2. send my client information about enemy players in order of their proximity to me

3. send my client information about enemy players before sending information about friendly players

4. put at least some red dots on my minimap so I can see the giant blob of red that I’m about to walk into

5. if you’re not sending my client information about an enemy player, don’t send him information about me either!!!! might as well keep things fair

6. when players are far, I don’t need to know their exact position or what profession they are. send my client a close enough position for the whole group and how many they are. I’m sure that in my client’s renderer you can randomize some locations for each enemy in that group that is close enough to their real location.
