Showing Posts For Antigravity.4083:

My favorite thing

in PvP

Posted by: Antigravity.4083


We’ve been talking…

It’d be nice to see some kind of rally mechanic to save complete blowouts. None of us enjoy being on the wrong end of a severe annihilation, or a horrible mutilation, but all of us have experienced these things at times. Catastrophic PvP rolls are depressing and they invoke various behaviors in individual gamers, most of which are not great for the overall experience of anyone.

I hate to reference Overwatch here, but respectfully the absolute most rewarding PvP matches I’ve played are specific to that platform; where a badly smashed up team recovers moral and pulls off victory or comes so close that it feels like a victory. It takes not much, sometimes just a well timed comment to direct otherwise hopeless combatants into more productive and positive behavior.

What options are there for a novel rally mechanic which provides an alternate course for an otherwise completely outmatched team composition? I feel this would not only mitigate a lot of needless knee-jerk toxicity but also very much smooth out and trend upward the overall experience without having to jump neck deep into matchmaking mechanics and such things.

I feel suitably rewarded when I engage in PvP across the board, this mission has been accomplished in all venues. I want more regularly to smile and have fun with others during my various playtimes, which I work hard for.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: Antigravity.4083


Ok, as a dispassionate third party I can say you have fatal issues here Frost – petty insults and name calling, general unpleasantness and hostility. Kind of nullifies any competent point you may have made and also nice poisoning of the thread which fortunately was not enough to do it in, thank you other adults. Pitiful, possibly alter how you communicate with opposing parties in a social forum and that way earn supporters instead of mildly sickening random passers-by.

Good info though! This is the kind of thing I was hoping to find trying to figure out what to do with my little <30 hr necro. Here and in all PvP centric games I kind of feel engagement control and enemy command or intent interruptions are key and what’s been discussed here is inspiration… Nice to see there is support among advanced community members for something other than a power nuke or condi wasteland in the Necromancer realm. Its also nice to see that the moral mechanic in GW2 is intact, indicates to me a functional balance of forces.. pretty impressive considering the huge number of build options at our disposal.

“The Horde is unstoppable. Victory is at hand.” – Whitebane, Alterac, Circa 2007