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BUG: Companions, IA borken in missions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antiks.4960


Myself and a friend have had the same issue on most story quests involving an npc character. I’ve never actually seen trahearne attack. The vigil norn warmaster guy attacked in one mission i think but not in any other(perhaps he wasnt on companion A.I. in that one). It’s not difficult at all for me to reproduce this bug apparently, if I hadn’t played the game before I would probably think NPC aren’t supposed to attack in missions.

Your links doesn’t really help to fix the issue(just bring up an exploit for completing 1 mission). They are not solutions just confirm that yes this is a widespread problem but it is far larger in scope than that one mission and embarrassingly for Anet has been on live for months now. My reproduction steps are literally play the story… you will hit several missions where they don’t attack, I’ve done absolutely nothing special to get them into the state. The non companion NPC still seem to attack and react fine.

I am a level 80 cleaning up quests with full gear so it’s not so bad for me but I could imagine it could make some quests terrible for lower players. Aside from difficulty increase it looks really stupid and certainly makes your experience less epic.

(edited by Antiks.4960)

Wad of Enchanted Stuffing

in Wintersday

Posted by: Antiks.4960


I realize it was a 5 day old statement but it should be true regardless. Either we would get enough or we wouldn’t. As of now with endless tonic RNG we do not have nearly enough to get the events items. If we had a method to get more glue and wads then yes we would have enough. Don’t get me started on the cogs.(200 extra for ???)

I got 5 cotton doing Toypocalypse. I’d rather spend the 5 silver to buy it off the TP.

getting 5 pieces of cotton means you got 5 silver.(realistically 4s 20c but i’ll use your optimistic numbers) 250 wads goes for 2g on my server. So you see those 5 cotton really don’t cover the cost do they?

Wad of Enchanted Stuffing

in Wintersday

Posted by: Antiks.4960


You’ll be able to get more than enough of this material participating in Tixx’s Infinarium instances, the first of which will be available 12 hours from now, in the Grove.

So is this statement actually accurate or are we supposed to by them off the TP? It seems we received not nearly enough so far :P

Wad of Enchanted Stuffing

in Wintersday

Posted by: Antiks.4960


No one can make more than 2 minis, so if you have extra stuffing after that, you’ll have to use it for something else other than a mini pet.

You can make endless tonics in the mystic forge with wads and glue. That’s what i want them for. I farmed 50 boxes and got no wads :/. Either i’m super unlucky or it’s way too rare. It makes me wonder if it’s a bug or intended.

Wad of Enchanted Stuffing

in Wintersday

Posted by: Antiks.4960


Haven’t got any of this stuff out of boxes. Has anyone else?

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Antiks.4960


It does seem like thieves can enter stealth in combat far too easily. This can lead to annoying battles where the thief is invisible for most of it and always has the option to just disengage easily. There isn’t a reliable way to keep them out other than chain stun. It feels a little broken.

Compared to most mmo’s the thieves in this game have it way too good when it comes to their stealth. It’s entirely too easy to enter and way too easy to escape with. If they need a survivability buff to be able to open and then exchange then I would welcome that.

[Story] The Source of Orr [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antiks.4960


still broken. Just happened to me. Just me an trahearn chilling in a hot tub.

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Antiks.4960


Zott won’t blow up the third seige weapon. For the love of god please just let us kill the things manually. This is kitten

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antiks.4960


attended/looted/no mail

Orr - The Risen Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antiks.4960


I’m not sure I want to level another character after experiencing orr. I have my story quest up to killing the mouth and I really really don’t feel like doing it. There is no one in the zone and the mobs are so god kitten annoying. If this is Anets idea of end game zones you can count me out.