Showing Posts For Antillio Full Metal.2795:

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

Still a sham..

- 50 for new players
- 50 for people who already have GW2, it should not even matter if you are a vet.

And defending this pure bs with oh you veterans had all the joy of playing and expierincing it and new people did not. Slap yourself, this expansion with a new proffesion should come with a char slot for EVERYONE. It’s not a full game it should not be priced as such.

Vet players got more!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

Slap yourself if your defending this style of selling, it’s not even only about the veterans. What if you just bought the game 4 months ago, you now get it for the same price with a new expansion which was supposed to be standalone. Lies and false marketing, a total sham.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

My god i just logged in, this is beyond ridonkulous, slapped in the face with absurd upgrades if i can even call them that.

1. i don’t want another copy of the base game, just the expansion.
2. A free char slot is a given with a new class.

By all means it’s a great deal for new players but come on… give us a standalone HoT+ char slot for 35$ or something.

I don’t remember these shenanigans with GW1. This is not about being spoiled when people blindly defend stuff like this it will be seen as normal and no it is not.

Guild Capes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

There is a backpack in the store which has a flag attached to it, if that is possible then it must also be possible to make a back with a cape on it, removing the clipping issues. If it will look good is up to the creationi guess but it must be possbile to make a decent cape that way.

Reason GW1 players feel so bleh in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

Dodge roll to win, armor has no impact other then tweaking your damage source in pve.
Skills themselves are weak, it’s dodge and autoattack to save the day.

Reason GW1 players feel so bleh in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

The game became prettier, but mechanic wise the game got dumbed down alot.

Less ways to impactfully change or tweak your build.

No more resources to counter spam ( GW1 all classes had energy )

No more healers = battles end to fast = zerg win = no strategy because either A facerolls B or vice versa.

No more hexes ( Tha F* ? )

All in all the gameplay became to spamhappy and non strategic even tough the game looks gorgeous it sadly is not enough – my 3 cents

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

God i miss stance dancing…
They should bring that back by lowering the duration and cooldowns of the stances.

Build adrenaline >Frenzy>Rush>Eviscerate <3 now i’m still stuck in nostalgia.

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

Nice video OP,i completely agree that control needs to have a stronger pressence in Gw2 that alone will bring the weaker dps classes in par with the stronger ones.

What is it that Guild Wars 2 needs the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

+1 More depth/better mechanics

bring hexes back into GW2 especially since boons overshadow conditions.

skills should be weaker but with a lower cooldown and reward right use and demote spamming; being able to use skills more often but not spamming them will add more dynamics into the fights.

a good example is skill #2 of guardian staff, it recharges fast but will take 3 times longer to recharge if you want it to heal and do more dmg, they should rework interupts and make them recharge faster on succesfull interupting.

Can't Log in.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

Have the same problem.