Showing Posts For Araewan Belania.3067:
lol, ok, do set that with esl is a joke. they talked about tactics and stuff, but one player capping a point and dying rest of the time, THAT is bad.
did not count, but played about i think 60 games and had about 53 losses and 7 wins. first evening went ok, but until yesterday morning just losses. no more pip. i was also mid diamant last season and ppl i know who are more worst than me, are mid saphir today, because of a winning series. it is all about the mmr. if you are get in a bad one, you can not really get out there anymore alone. you need really really good players who pull you out there. i am always on every match person with highest points. i know, does not say much, BUT… how will you win, when you have 130 and worst player of your team 10? you can not fight 5 enemys alone. you have no chance until you are in that worst mmr because of some matches in a row (i played with wvw friends and we just lost) bu we are friends, so i did not care that moment.
for me the new system does not show the better players by having a winning series. they are just very very lucky to directly started well and get now a good matchmaking. started maybe with a team that evening or whatever. this system is the worst matchmaking ever seen.
even if the mmr comes from last season…. yes, until ruby it was more harder solo-q. so i do understand where it comes from.
one game today to explain… i am scrapper, 4 of my players mid fighting against 4 enemys. all the time dead and downstead. instead of taking care of the other points. i ran mid, where calling targets (what 90% of ppl not doing. why???) burst my damage as good as i can and stomp all of them. got the feeling i was everywhere same time. ok, all enemys dead, 2 of my players still on the point. i left to decap other point. before i arrives there, i saw on minimap one enemy brought 2 of that ppl downstead. so tell me…. what can i do with a team like that? what????
(edited by Araewan Belania.3067)
Got the same problem on different maps. but not at all the maps. weired.
I´m not on sfr, but by reading it…. did the sfr community think about the public ppl?! without zerg, you will be not Gold anymore. maybe fast, maybe later. who knows. personally i think to raid in a guild is a good thing, but no Server can defend and win without public. what does the guild ppl do, if there is no guild raid? just hanging around and wait?! an other Thing…. maybe you do not know, that also new commies join to sfr. they can turn light on on eb or borderlands, can open a new ts-server. who would stop them?! and the randoms will join it. so the guilds will be isolated and maybe one time…. guild members are sick of waiting just for guild raid. so they will join public on the other ts Server. i know, what you want to reach with that text, but i think…. old ppl/guilds will loose more, then new ppl who join on sfr
regards from a happy person, who leave a gold league server, to have really good fights in silver league with ppl and enemies, who have really good skill and who are not flaming, just laughing on ts