Showing Posts For Archon of Victory.6938:

Earn the Elite Specializations through PvP.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Archon of Victory.6938

Archon of Victory.6938

I’m writing this post to get some opinions and express my own on something that should be added to HoT. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on the subject or any idea’s you would like to include.

As the title says, we should be able to earn these specializations by via PvP.

I’m not surprised that ANET didn’t implement this with launch, their attention was elsewhere. Which is fine considering what they were building. However a little thought in allowing the players to play the game the way they want to would go a long ways. Personally I’m not a fan of PvE nor do I have the time to grind out getting the hero points required to unlock things like Dragonhunter or Scrapper. I’d still like to unlock these specializations for WvW and general gameplay.

So what if players were awarded +1 hero point per SPvP level and then +5 per ranked/unranked win (after the game). Think it would work?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archon of Victory.6938

Archon of Victory.6938

Just a simple thought. I think it would be freaking sweet to return to Cantha in Guild Wars 2. It’d be a good opportunity to throw in some open world PvP and add some new races and other goodies (Totally want to play as a Tengu).

Wondering about server reputation.

in WvW

Posted by: Archon of Victory.6938

Archon of Victory.6938

Hey all, so I’m a roamer from a server that I am more or less hating. I was thinking of transferring to SOS but have no idea what the people are like or what the server’s rep. is. Otherwise, I’d be open to suggestions for which servers are roamer/skill-group player friendly.