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The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcnite.8752


I think part of the issue is that people have been “sold” on the idea that the game starts at the level cap.

Its nice to see another game where the “endgame” starts at level 1.

When you look at GW2 as a whole there is an enormous amount of content. Its shame that people don’t see that.

The problem is that unlike the earlier levels there comes a point when you stop gaining stats, levels, better equipment, access to new areas, etc. The content isn’t any less fun, it’s the feeling of progression that gets lost. So, how do you bring that back?

The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcnite.8752


I’ll tell you what would anger those of us that bought the game for what it is, though; if ArenaNet completely did a 180 on everything they said for the past three years and started requiring gearing for dungeons so you could gear for dungeons so you could gear for even more dungeons a la every other MMO. That locks players out of content. It’s just not fun for anyone that isn’t a masochist or desperate for overcompensation.

There’s a reason I asked for suggestions rather than saying we need gear with higher stats. For example, they could lock out dungeons without requiring gear with higher stats. Like leveling through zones, the content is there for everyone they would just need to complete dungeon a before getting to b which would need to be completed before dungeon c. Tokens or drops could provide keys to the next dungeon, etc.

Players could then show off progressively impressive looking gear, marking their progress through the chain of dungeons. Additionally, the dungeons could increase in difficulty as you progress allowing players to progressively learn the skills and teamwork needed to complete explorable mode dungeons.

The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcnite.8752


2 things:

  • dungeon finder

Dungeon finder would help form groups but what about motivating players to do them? Do you feel the current loot/coin drops are motivation enough?

The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcnite.8752


In a word: motivation.

People complaining about a lack of endgame content are met by a barage of other players pointing out the huge amount of things you can do; from explorable dungeons to map completion to pvp to crafting, there is plenty of content. However, I believe the issue these frustrated players are failing to point out well is that they are no longer driven to play through the content due to the lack of an invisible carrot on a stick.

Dungeons, for example, can be difficult – which is great – but a lot of players may be feeling frustrated because their efforts feel unrewarded. Often the loot feels underwhelming compared to the time and effort put into the challenge. Additionally, there aren’t any dungeons that players have to progress into nor is there a good way to show off their accomplishments.

Now, GW2 has an amazing leveling experience. The game works. So, my question to all of you is what suggestions can we make towards keeping players motivated after they hit the level cap and get gear with good stats.

Would locked off dungeons encourage players to complete the other dungeons in order to access the new ones?

Without gear with higher stats would new content be enough of a motivation?

What about other aspects of endgame. Are crafters, explorers, pvpers motivated by current rewards? How could it be improved?

Looking forward to hearing your responses..
