Showing Posts For Argon.2405:
Historic Landmarks and Relics Collection: Unlocks Revenant
- Mystic Spoon
- Rytlock’s eyeballs
- Here Died Woz
- Charrted Mist MapWoah, the back-lash from having to unlock it after (in all likely-hood) paying for that extra content. That would be a really bad move!
The same community that has had 40 living story releases for nothing with no monthly fee? The expansion is massive if we go by what has been mentioned. I don’t think sticking to lore and having to ‘discover’ the secrets of the mists is to much of a stretch for an account bound unlock.
Historic Landmarks and Relics Collection: Unlocks Revenant
- Mystic Spoon
- Rytlock’s eyeballs
- Here Died Woz
- Charrted Mist Map
I’m hoping you have to unlock the ability to use the class like you would a legendary or the Specialisations.
Its not like Rytlock just re-rolled an alt. He went into the mists.
What was *not* anounced for the new expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Argon.2405
Let me just make it clear,
- No new weapon types (per class yes, but overall to the game no)
Revenant was shown to use a polearm? Or did I miss-see that?
I was informed by support to post this here:
Farming your own guild cross-server for bloodlust stomp kills.
I was also killed trying to cap the ruins after a friendly from the same guild (mesmer) shadowed me around until 2 Invaders jumped me.
Gz, too bad this thread turned into trash talking.
Nothing wrong with doubleteaming, guys.
Nothing wrong with doubleteaming at all. Lets all transfer to SFR to farm our 250,000 kills for next season. /sarcasm
Respect is earned, not given by Rank. If 50% of these kills were legit kills then congrats. If they are all faceroll 100 vs 5 zergKills with Tab-Tagging or Cleave-Running then congrats but I will not respect it.
Congrats, your double-zerg is bringing you kills and happiness!
But in all seriousness, When SFR finally overran Deso’s keep this morning, they just defended while BB capped. It was beautiful to witness such love between warring servers. I don’t care that we are getting double teamed, but please at least make it look like you’re enemies and not star crossed lovers!
is not double teaming , it happens when you attack enemy keep, over 50% of t3 keeps are lost by double focus
Situation yesterday : Baruch border :bay -owned by SFR – t3 +waypoint
1 SFR guild defend (20 ppls ) +10-12 pugs
2 Desolation guild attack 20-25 players + open raid 40-50 -total 65-75
Desolation breach inner, SFR try to hold, contest, build 2 ac’s outside behind central inner, etc
Baruch>40 pugs > spawn kill sfr that try to run back contest, destroy sfr ac’s inside and avoid to fight with desolation :
Your logic > SFR get double teamed by BB +DESO. However , we never claimed that, we didn’t even considered that
Amazing work, but this was Deso BL Keep getting doubled by SFR and BB. I watched SFR take up residence and refuse to cap the keep instead setting up ACs, then BB walked in and captured with 0 violence while the fresh SupACs were only used on Deso defenders trying to kick BB and SFR out.
As I said, I don’t care that it happens but try not to be smug with all these kills your farming in your partnership.
To Clarify – Desolation Garrison – Today (1200BSTish)
BB unable to breach the inner walls, pushed back 3 or 4 times.
SFR come in via door BB knocked down without conflict, portal Golems to inner door.
SFR and BB zerg enter inner together, and SFR moves to camp top level with arrow carts.
Deso defense finally breaks and Lord is killed.
SFR defend Garri without capping until BB next wave arrive.
BB cap without a fight and all SFR and BB leave (together, holding hands into the sunset)
(edited by Argon.2405)
Congrats, your double-zerg is bringing you kills and happiness!
But in all seriousness, When SFR finally overran Deso’s keep this morning, they just defended while BB capped. It was beautiful to witness such love between warring servers. I don’t care that we are getting double teamed, but please at least make it look like you’re enemies and not star crossed lovers!
Tequatl should spawn randomly, not on a timer, but an hour before the spawn the heralds in major towns should start shouting “Tequatl has been sighted, to arms in Sparkfly fen!”
Same here. was down to the very last point and was counting on being able to do that one last daily. Then all of a sudden I realize there is no more boss daily…..since when did patches roll over in the middle of the night??? Usually if I miss out on LS stuff it doesn’t bother me too much but this one was a cold move on their part as evidence by all these posts. Had we known ahead of time it would be different. Just 1 more stinking point….are you kidding me….grrrr. And before the high and mighty’s chime in, I did the tequatl stuff as much as I was able to. Not everyone has all day to devote to getting this stuff done. I was counting on being able to squeeze in that last daily. Had I known it would end up like this I wouldn’t have bothered at all.
10 minutes to collect the dragon bits per zone x3 = 30mins. (3 points)
Find Rox and footprint = 5mins (2 points)
Participate in 4 teq events = 15mins/per day (1hr/4days) (4 points)
All day devoted to this? 1hr35m over 4 days is very light. Now consider the event ran for 2 weeks.
Partially true, but it’s not my fault for having a job and working all day/night long. And I will not wait 2 hours for a 15 minute fight that clogs the servers and puts people into overflow just to screw up the encounter cause people don’t know the strategy.
But hey SAB is STILL up………………
You know it was “participate” not win. You only had to turn up at the event overflow or not.
also on the topic of the daily, they should not leave it up. Imagine you completed the daily boss week participate and then you found out that meta ended pre-patch. So unless the patch is going to hit dead on midnight reset it should not be up today.
I could have if I had the chance to login – …snip…. other achievements can still be done since the LS meta is still running (until the patch removes it later today).
I feel sorry for you not getting them done. But Arenanet cant just extend the event for you. Everyone is in the same boat.
I didn’t get to play the Queens part earlier in the year, can they rerun so I can get the mini?
dont you see? stop waiting in sparkfly, Tequatl is done! All to Twilight Arbor!
But seriously, yes its broken, we get it
Sorry, Tequatl is running Twilight Assault and can’t battle right now. Try in 2 weeks?
Nope renaming a new character does not rebind.
For those complaining about GvG:
I run one of the largest WvW guilds on IoJ, and most of the people in this GvG are leaders within not only the guild, but our WvW community. When I made [CORE], I was completely uninterested in GvG, but after getting matchups where we win by 200k points or lose by 200k points, WvW was getting to feel like a chore. GvG started looking much more attractive as a form of competitive PvP, so we started practicing it with a few other guilds.
So, on a week where 90% of our server doesn’t show up to WvW and we are getting completely stomped, how is this hurting anyone? We went to an empty map on a Thursday when the matchup was 100% decided. Even if we got everyone on all maps of WvW together, we couldn’t have queued that map. So we were not taking up precious “slots” for a queue.
Some of you will say, “Why not do it in an sPvP arena?” First off, you can only do 10v10’s there. Secondly, the sPvP maps are horrible for open combat (everything is around corners, corridors, etc). Also, in sPvP you are forced into using an amulet + gemstone for your stats. I don’t know about others, but I personally don’t like being forced into using highly specialized builds by using only 1 set of armor / trinkets.
The thing is, my guild was there playing WvW last week when most others dodged. We organize WvW events, are active in our WvW sub-community, and still play horribly lopsided matchups like this. It seems to me that most of the guilds that do GvG are the ones that also organize and drive WvW in their respective servers. So cut us some slack, because overall, we have a much more positive impact on WvW throughout a week than a negative impact caused by us taking up a few slots on a map for 30-60 minutes.
Lovely post, missed the part where you mentioned how farming rank points even if you will fail to win WvW is correct. Please clarify?
Is there a problem with GvG in WvW map? Yes, whether the OP was or not is irrelevant, this could be used as a way to farm rank points between 2 guilds. Ergo I have no issue with his method but his angle could of been more professional.
edit: If you are getting kills from this then you are artificially increasing your WvW rank and should be stopped.
So as some of you may or may not know, soulbound armour can only be equipped by the soulbounder.
But did you also realise it can only be salvaged by the soulbounder even if that character is deleted?
I have 6 draconic armour pieces from an old character with Superior Divinity Runes that I was saving for when I had a Black Lion salvage kit except, It is now immune to account bound changes. When you delete a character this effect is not mentioned.
Personally to me this is either a bug or poorly worded in the deletion screen. I am hoping this thread raises the issue and helps others not to waste expensive runes like I have.
Made little to no difference to my experience. Chat is still taking upwards of a minute to register in guild chat and friends and guildies are shown as unknown.
Ring of Fire EU
42:1000:9001:4105:101 Error when trying to guild chat/invite
Problem is intermittent and hard to track at best
Chat sometimes lags over a few minutes and then catches up
Solutions attempted
DNS Flush
Relog of Client
Same issue here, ran a DNS flush a few times. I got basic guild functionality back, but was still unable to chat.
Edit: a few minutes later chat is working but it is still intermittent.
(edited by Argon.2405)