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5 People Premade Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Ari.7630


Matchmaking still needs to be tweaked for 5 man premades vs. solo queues. Have had more than my share of matchups like this in the past week. In the League Season Changes post I know they said there would be no more of 5 vs solos but having a 2 man and 3 solo players is equally frustrating. I understand they are only a small percentage of matches and even then win ratios are not horrible but at least from personal experience and my guildy friends it seems to certainly be an issue.

I understand it’s a slippery slope and when 2 mans get banned then 3… until 5 man premades will wait an eternity in queues to find another full party, but something has to be done. It is still outrageously frustrating and biased. This game was the most obvious to post as it had ruby players versus near full diamonds and they still dominated due to communications.

Anyone having similar issues? Thoughts?


Red always beats blue – and vice-versa.

(edited by Ari.7630)

Staff rotation?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ari.7630


2 and 5 off cooldown with auto attacks in between, always on fire unless something specific is needed.

Red always beats blue – and vice-versa.

Underwater Mail Delivery: Swimming Birds?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari.7630


“They can dive down several meters.” That’s epic.
Now just explain how they can get to me in an underwater cave in the middle of a dungeon and I’ll be happy . :P

Red always beats blue – and vice-versa.

Underwater Mail Delivery: Swimming Birds?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari.7630


Loving the game so far, but there are the few immersion breaking things that I feel should always be addressed. Underwater mail delivery is currently done by the same bird that we’ve come to love above ground, is he a magic bird? Anyways, it should be relatively easy to just switch the underwater animation with a fish jetting by or something along those lines. Thoughts?

Red always beats blue – and vice-versa.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ari.7630


Ascalonian Catacombs (explorable)
Path: 3 Tzark’s Route
Number of dungeon runs: First ever explorable run (of any dungeon)
Time taken: 1 hour 56 min
Reward: 40 tears
Character Name: Ari Flamescar

It was with my dungeon team, we have all done AC, CM, TA, and SE story modes (some several times) but this was our first explorable. The run was not rushed at all and we had not even attempted any other dungeon (story or explorable) for over 2 days.

Out of my team, 3 got the 60 tears, while I got 40, and another 30. Other than me being party leader, there is nothing to separate us. We are different professions and races, but all level 80. Theoretically, we should all have received the same reward. The only difference would be because I was party leader as some have previously pointed out.

It really is very disappointing to work so hard and get penalized due to bugs. I understand and hope it gets fixed quickly. However, as far as my guild goes we are all abstaining from dungeons (our favorite content) and slowly getting put off due to such unfair results from our first ever explorable.

Red always beats blue – and vice-versa.